Soros’ Philanthropic Empire Pumped A Quarter Million Into Israel-Designated Terrorist Organization In 2023


by Robert Schmad, The Daily Caller:

The Soros family’s Open Society Foundations in 2023 gave $250,000 to the European wing of Al-Haq Human Rights Organization, an Israeli-designated terrorist group, according to a grant database.

Israel’s government determined that Al-Haq was an “arm” of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a U.S.-designated terrorist organization, in 2021. In addition to the Israeli government’s designation, Al-Haq’s general director, Shawan Jabarin, was convicted in 1985 of recruiting and arranging trainings for the PFLP and several of the organization’s members have made comments supporting militant extremist groups like Hamas.


Last year wasn’t the first time the Soros family’s philanthropic network has given money to Al-Haq. Open Society Foundations donated over $2 million to the organization between 2016 and 2020. The most recent donation, however, represents the first time the Soros network has disclosed a new donation to Al-Haq since the Israeli government designated it as a terror organization. (RELATED: Elite Law Schools Encourage Students To Work For Israeli-Designated Terror Organizations)

Open Society Foundations’ grant to Al-Haq will “support work on human rights, legal research and advocacy in Europe,” according to a grant database.

“For years, Al-Haq, a Palestinian NGO linked to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) — an internationally designated terrorist organization — has pursued a strategy seeking to eliminate Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people and to legitimize violent attacks against its citizens,” an unreleased report authored by Israeli watchdog NGO Monitor and obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation reads. “A central aspect of Al-Haq’s activity is arguing to Western elites — parliamentarians, government officials, diplomats, academics, journalists and students — that Israel is inherently illegitimate.”

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