US court rules that fluoride added to water supplies poses a risk of reducing children’s IQ


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

In 2016, the Blackpool Council approved a fluoridated school milk plan.  All Blackpool primary school children in Years one to six are now able to have fluoridated milk as part of the school breakfast scheme.

Under this scheme, each participating child receives milk that contains 4.2 ppm of fluoride every school day.  This is in addition to the fluoride added to water supplies that fall below 1 ppm.

In the US, the safe limit in water was deemed to be 0.7 ppm – until a court ruled last week that 0.7 ppm poses an unreasonable risk of reducing IQ in children.


It’s free – no cost to parents,” the Blackpool Council states promoting its fluoridated milk for school children.  Adding, “It’s safe to drink.”

It re-emphasises that it’s safe to drink in bold type in the very next sentence:

Fluoridated milk scheme, Blackpool Council, 14 March 2024, retrieved 27 September 2024

In 2016, when Blackpool Council first approved the plan, the BBC noted: “Under the fluoridated milk scheme, each 189ml carton will contain 0.8mg of fluoride – the equivalent of 4.2 parts per million.”

Each child participating in the scheme receives a carton of 189ml of fluoridated milk.  Therefore, each participating child is given milk containing 4.2 parts per million (“ppm”) of fluoride every school day.

2022 policy paper for the UK government stated, “In some parts of England the level of fluoride in the public water supply already reaches the target concentration of water fluoridation schemes (one milligram per litre (1mg/l)), sometimes expressed as one part per million (1ppm)), as a result of the geology of the area. In other areas the fluoride concentration has been adjusted to reach this level as part of a fluoridation scheme.”

The policy paper continued, “The World Health Organisation recommends a maximum level of 1.5 milligrams of fluoride per litre of water (mg/l) [or 1.5 ppm].”

In addition to the 1 ppm of fluoride in drinking water, the Blackpool Council is adding 4.2 ppm to breakfasts for children participating in the school breakfast scheme.

For comparison, in the US, the recommended safe level of fluoride in water is 0.7 ppm.

As Libertarianism UK noted, the US safe limit of 0.7 ppm was lowered in 2015 from the previous 0.7-1.2 ppm range.  The Department of Health and Human Services lowered the safe limit because it was decided the higher limit of 1.2 ppm was a potential danger.

It’s not only Blackpool council risking the health of children.  At the end of its webpage, Blackpool Council notes that “a successful fluoride milk scheme has been operating in Manchester for a number of years.”  We couldn’t find a start date for when Manchester began distributing fluoridated milk to schools.  But we assume children in Manchester have been given the same unsafe 4.2 ppm of fluoride in each carton of milk for “a number of years.”

Meanwhile, on the other side of the pond, the Federal Court in California ruled on Tuesday that adding 0.7 ppm of fluoride to water poses an unreasonable risk to children’s intelligence.

Last month, the long-delayed final report from the US National Toxicology Programme (“NTP”) confirmed that there is a large, consistent and reliable body of scientific research linking fluoride to reduced IQ.

After the release of the NTP report, it was expected that Californian Judge Edward Chen would issue his final ruling for a case brought against the US Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”).

For nearly a decade, Food & Water Watch, Fluoride Action Network and others have been in a legal battle with the EPA after the EPA denied their petition against local water utilities adding fluoride into water supplies.

Last week, on 24 September, Judge Chen issued his ruling. He ruled that fluoridation of water at 0.7 mg/l “poses an unreasonable risk of reduced IQ in children.”  0.7 mg/l is the equivalent of 0.7 ppm.

Judge Chen noted that the finding does not “conclude with certainty” that fluoridated water is “injurious to public health” but does find there is “an unreasonable risk of such injury” and the EPA cannot ignore the risk.

Related: EPA Lawsuit, Fluoride Action Network and US Department of Health and Human Services report confirms fluoride exposure is associated with lower IQ in children

Federal Judge Rules Fluoride is a Neurotoxin in Historic Lawsuit

Fluoride poses an unreasonable risk of reduced IQ in children, according to a US federal court.

By Derrick Broze as published by The Last American Vagabond

On Tuesday a federal court in California found that fluoridation of water at 0.7 milligrammes per litre poses an unreasonable risk of reduced IQ in children.”

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