From FBI Whistleblowers To Economists To War, Warnings And Warnings Signs Are Coming At Us From Every Direction, And Now Is The Time To Pray, Prepare And Protect


by Susan Duclos, All News Pipeline:

There are warning signs coming from every direction for war, to elevated chances of another recession before the end of 2024 or the beginning of 2025. Warning signs of civil unrest being planned for after the November presidential election, which would spark a hot civil war in the U.S. taking it from mostly bloodless now to blood flowing through the streets afterwards.

As seen on Steve Quayle’s website on September 26, from Infowars, warnings are not just coming from economists and those paying attention to the threats being seen online, but from whistleblowers as well, namely FBI whistleblower Marcus Allen, who tells Americans to “arm themselves,” and know how to defend, and to stock up your pantries with food given these uncertain economic times.


Allen’s warnings can be heard via video at the bottom of this piece, but one of his most important warnings was his last, to pray.

We’ll begin with war, which by definition, the amount of countries involved in war at this moment, shows we are already in the beginning stages of an actual world war, where one spark could set off a global powder keg.

Via Merriam Webster defines a world war as “a war engaged in by all or most of the principal nations of the world.”

Interesting side note: If you look for the term “principal nations” on the same site, it says the term isn’t in the dictionary, so I thought ok, because it is two words, but that doesn’t explain it because it offers suggestions to try instead including “principal functions” and “principal sections,” etc…..

RelatedArbuckles’ illustrated atlas of fifty principal nations of the world

It doesn’t say boots on the ground or what counts as being “engaged,” which in this day and age could be a cyber attacking participant, actual bullets, bombs and missiles, or even sanctions some might see as an act of war and “:engagement” by the countries enacting them. What about arming one country against another? most would say that is being “engaged” in a war.

By that vague definition of Webster’s, we are actually witnessing, and America is actively “engaged” in two world wars at the moment. One in the Middle East and one between Russia and Ukraine.

A look back at both officially named world wars, being World War I and World War 2, in the first people were encouraged heavily to voluntarily change their eating habits to contribute to the war efforts, but by the time WWII came around, American leaders began literally rationing and controlling the foods Americans were allowed to purchase.

On January 30, 1942, the Emergency Price Control Act granted the Office of Price Administration (OPA) the authority to set price limits and ration food and other commodities in order to discourage hoarding and ensure the equitable distribution of scarce resources. By the spring, Americans were unable to purchase sugar without government-issued food coupons. Vouchers for coffee were introduced in November, and by March of 1943, meat, cheese, fats, canned fish, canned milk and other processed foods were added to the list of rationed provisions.

Every American was entitled to a series of war ration books filled with stamps that could be used to buy restricted items (along with payment), and within weeks of the first issuance, more than 91 percent of the U.S. population had registered to receive them. The OPA allotted a certain amount of points to each food item based on its availability, and customers were allowed to use 48 ‘blue points’ to buy canned, bottled or dried foods, and 64 ‘red points’ to buy meat, fish and dairy each month—that is, if the items were in stock at the market. Due to changes in the supply and demand of various goods, the OPA periodically adjusted point values, which often further complicated an already complex system that required home cooks to plan well in advance to prepare meals.

Despite the fact that ration books were explicitly intended for the sole use by the named recipient, a barter system developed whereby people traded one type of stamp for another, and black markets began cropping up all over the country in which forged ration stamps or stolen items were illegally resold. By the end of the war, restrictions on processed foods and other goods like gasoline and fuel oil were lifted, but the rationing of sugar remained in effect until 1947.

Jump forward to 2024 where the UN and Democrat political leaders are demanding Americans and the global community change the way they eat, from the amount of meat, to how much sugar one intakes to how much salt is used, just to quickly a few of the demands we have seen, and a war officially labeled a “world war” would give the U.S. government everything they needed to start to force Americans to ration food and things like meat, salt, sugar and other foods they don’t like us eating, could be unobtainable.

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