Republican Bill Eliminates Covid ‘Vaccine’ Maker Protections to Unleash Wave of Lawsuits


by Frank Bergman, SlayNews:

A new Republican bill seeks to eliminate the protections afforded to vaccine manufacturers that prevent them from being sued for killing and injuring citizens with Covid mRNA shots.

The legislation was proposed by Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ).

Gosar’s bill seeks to “amend the Public Health Service Act to end the liability shield for vaccine manufacturers and for other purposes.”


Under the bill, all vaccine makers’ waiver of liability would end in a sweeping proposed legal change in the form of a rejection of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Act.

The legislation is titled, “End the Vaccine Carveout Act.”

Gosar, a major supporter of President Donald Trump, represents a vast strip of heavily rural western Arizona that reaches the fringe western edges of the Phoenix suburbs.

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (NCVIA) established the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).

The NCVIA was signed into law by President Ronald Reagan on November 14, 1986.

The NCVIA’s goals were to:

  • Ensure a stable supply of vaccines
  • Stabilize vaccine costs
  • Provide a cost-effective way to resolve vaccine injury claims
  • Protect vaccine manufacturers from financial liability

The VICP is a no-fault alternative to the traditional U.S. legal system for resolving vaccine injury claims.

Individuals who believe they were injured by a covered vaccine can file a petition with the VICP.

The VICP’s process involves the United States Court of Federal Claims and special masters.

The system provides compensation for medical care, rehabilitation, counseling, vocational training, pain and suffering, and diminished earning capacity.

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