This Is Why The Biden Administration Is Working So Hard To Keep Israel Out Of Lebanon


by Michael Snyder, End Of The American Dream:

The Biden administration has shifted into panic mode, and there is a good reason for that.  It has become clear that Israel and Hezbollah are on the brink of all-out war, and once that line is crossed there will be no turning back.  Needless to say, an apocalyptic conflict in the Middle East would have the potential to be the greatest “October surprise” of all time.  If the U.S. is forced to intervene in an all-out war between Israel and Hezbollah, there are thousands upon thousands of Muslims in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania that will simply refuse to vote for Kamala Harris.  We already got a preview of this when large numbers of them cast protest votes against Joe Biden during the Democratic primaries.  Kamala Harris must win Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania if she has any hope of emerging victorious in November, and so keeping Israel out of Lebanon is of paramount importance for the Democrats right now.


On Wednesday, ABC News was reporting that Israel “is preparing for a potential ground operation” in Lebanon…

Israel is preparing for a potential ground operation as its war with Hezbollah intensifies, according to the Israel Defense Forces.

“Today, we will continue, we are not stopping; we keep striking and hitting them everywhere,” Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi, the chief of the General Staff, said Wednesday. “The goal is very clear — to safely return the residents of the north. To achieve that, we are preparing the process of a maneuver, which means your military boots, your maneuvering boots, will enter enemy territory, enter villages that Hezbollah has prepared as large military outposts, with underground infrastructure, staging points and launchpads into our territory and carry out attacks on Israeli civilians.”

In addition to the forces that have already been deployed, the Israelis just called up two more reserve brigades

The Israeli military announced Wednesday afternoon that two reserve brigades will be called up for deployment in Operation Northern Arrows.

“In accordance with the situational assessment, the IDF is calling up two reserve brigades for operational missions in the northern arena,” the IDF said.

Israel is quite serious about going in, but the Biden administration is trying really hard to find a diplomatic solution to this crisis…

The Biden administration is working on a new diplomatic initiative for a “pause” in the fighting in Lebanon and a resumption of negotiations on a Gaza hostage and ceasefire deal, according to two U.S. officials, one Israeli official and two sources with direct knowledge.

According to Axios, Benjamin Netanyahu is quite open to the idea of a peaceful way out of this mess…

  • Over the last two days, the U.S. has been discussing the idea with France, Israel, Lebanon and several other Arab countries, a U.S. official and a European diplomat said.
  • “We are working with several countries on a proposal for a diplomatic solution for the north,” a U.S. official confirmed.
  • “Netanyahu gave a green light to discuss this initiative,” an Israeli official said.

If Hezbollah can be persuaded to withdraw north of the Litani River peacefully, Israeli forces would not need to enter southern Lebanon, and the Israeli government would be quite thrilled about that.

I am entirely convinced that this is not going to happen, but I think that all of this diplomatic posturing will delay an Israeli ground operation for a little while.

For now, Israel and Hezbollah continue to exchange long-range strikes.  On Wednesday, Hezbollah even fired a missile at Tel Aviv

Israel intercepted a missile fired by Hezbollah near Tel Aviv on Wednesday, an unprecedented attack by the militant group that reached deep into the country’s commercial heartlands and marked a new escalatory step in the conflict between the two sides.

People in Tel Aviv and the central city of Netanya woke up to sirens on Wednesday as Israel said its air defenses intercepted a surface-to-surface missile – the first time ever a missile fired by Hezbollah has reached close to the city, the Israeli military said.

I really wish that Hezbollah would just stop.

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