Here’s How Far Down the Road to WWIII Biden-Harris Has Taken Us


by Stephen Green, PJ Media:

If there is a Third World War, historians will note that — like the First — it began with weak and unimaginative leadership and in the unlikeliest of places. No one could have known that an assassin’s bullets in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914, would begin a monthslong march to a global war from which Europe has not (and never will) culturally recover. If we’re sliding into another global war, historians will write that the years-long march began in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Aug. 15, 2021.


How did we get here?

It all started with cold, hard cash.

Almost as soon as Presidentish Joe Biden assumed office, he began making sure that bad actors around the world would have all the money they might need for acting badly.

Less than one month into his solitary, sad little term, Biden lifted former president Donald Trump’s restoration of U.N. sanctions on Iran. The White House and the State Steno Pool sold the move as something that “could help Washington move toward rejoining the 2015 nuclear agreement aimed at reining in the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program.” Trump had withdrawn from Barack Obama’s “Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA, in 2018, accusing Iran of serious violations.”

Trump had Iran broke and boxed in. Biden unleashed the Kraken.

But Biden wasn’t done there. At seemingly every opportunity, he freed up more funds for Tehran.

To give just one specific example, last year Biden-Harris unfroze $6 billion-with-a-b in Iranian funds to secure the release of five (!!!) Americans who were effectively held hostage by Iran’s “justice” system.

“To facilitate their release,” SecState Antony Blinken said at the time, “the United States has committed to release five Iranian nationals currently held in the United States and to permit the transfer of approximately $6 billion in restricted Iranian funds held in [South Korea] to restricted accounts in Qatar, where the funds will be available only for humanitarian trade.”

The mullahs enjoyed a good laugh at that while turning $6 billion into weapons-grade uranium and loading up the Houthis, Hezbollah, and Hamas with enough explosives and missiles to launch coordinated war efforts against Israel and global shipping in the Red Sea.

Also in February of 2021, Biden removed the Houthis from the Foreign Terrorist Organization and Specially Designated Global Terrorist lists that Trump had finally put them on late in his term. That decision came “just over 24 hours after the Biden administration announced an end to American support for Saudi-led offensive operations against the Houthis in Yemen including a freeze on arms sales to the Kingdom.”

The Houthis — who serve as Iran’s proxies in what used to be Yemen — enjoyed two kinds of relief. You can see the results in the Red Sea, where they’ve waged war on international shipping for almost a year. They also fire the occasional medium-range missile barrage at Israel.

Biden “waited” until April of 2021 to restore American funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), which has long served as an arm of Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Again, the money rushed into yet another terrorist organization. You can read all about the UNRWA-Hamas connections here. The report is nothing less than damning, including no fewer than 100 UNRWA employees who are also Hamas terrorists.

Israeli intelligence failed to prevent or detect the Hamas Oct. 7 terror invasion of southern Israel. That’s partly due to hubris on Israel’s part and operational cleverness on Hamas’. But don’t forget that, thanks to Biden-Harris, American tax dollars helped to underwrite the attack.

In between Biden-Harris dropping one match after another around the Middle East powder keg and that region exploding, full-scale war came to Europe for the first time since the end of the Second World War.

Russia’s partial invasion of Ukraine on Obama’s watch in 2014 — Obama sent blankets, not antitank missiles — ended with one spectacular success and one frustrating thorn in Vladimir Putin’s side. His illegal seizure of Crimea was a textbook example of hybrid warfare. “Little green men” — Russian special forces, mostly, acting without Russian military insignia — took control of everything important in Crimea in very short order, presenting the world with a fait accompli that appears unlikely to be undone.

The same was supposed to happen in Ukraine’s east, where ethnic-Russian partisans (acting as Moscow’s proxies) would do the same in the Donbas. Unexpectedly spirited — and often ad hoc — resistance from Ukraine led to an eight-year stalemate, frequently punctuated by gunfire and artillery.

Putin tried to bluster and threaten his way into getting the rest of eastern Ukraine, including massive military maneuvers at or near the border. But he did not invade on Trump’s watch.

Trump once told the story to friend and pro golfer John Daly about the time he put The Fear of God into Putin. If Putin invaded Ukraine, Trump claimed he warned him: “We’re gonna hit Moscow.” And “he sort of believed me, like 5%, 10%,” Trump added. “That’s all you need. He never did it during my time, John, you know… He didn’t do this during the last four years because he knew he couldn’t.”

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