THE CHEAT IS ON! Democrats Reveal Their Plan to Use Overseas Ballots to Win in 2024 — Here’s How Easy It Is to Cheat — Are Republicans Really Going to Let This Happen?


by Patty McMurray, The Gateway Pundit:

Politico on Saturday announced that Democrats were going to focus on the “overseas voters” or UOCAVA votes to seal a victory in 2024.

Politico also regurgitated the completely fraudulent figure that there are 1.6 million UOCAVA voters from swing states in this year’s election – a completely dishonest number.


The Gateway Pundit was first to warn Republicans about this appalling scam that will allow Democrats to easily steal the 2024 election.

Patty McMurray reported on the UOCAVA scam back on September 6th.

We are republishing hear for those of you who missed how easy it is to steal an election with UOCAVA or “overseas” voters.

Are the Democrats telegraphing one of the key ways in which they could steal the upcoming election?

In the 2000 presidential election, a mere 629 votes separated the race between George W. Bush and Al Gore in Florida. When the absentee overseas votes finally arrived, George W. Bush was able to take the 537-vote lead from Al Gore and win the presidency.

Democrats paid attention.

Are Democrats really interested in attracting more overseas voters, or is it the flawed voter registration system they use that could be a game-changer in our upcoming election if properly utilized by unscrupulous election officials?

On August 12, 2024, the DNC released a memo announcing it would spend six figures to collect up to 9 million Democratic votes from overseas.

The DNC clearly states its goal in their memo:

For the first time ever in a Presidential cycle, the DNC is investing in Democrats Abroad.

The DNC is doing the work to win in battleground states across the country.

With under 100 days until Election Day and ahead of the Democratic National Convention, the DNC announced a significant six-figure investment in Democrats VoteFromAbroad, for the first time ever in a Presidential cycle, helping fund their efforts to win the votes of approximately 9,000,000 Americans– of which only about 8% are registered voters from 2020 – who are living or serving outside of the United States.

Here’s the problem with the DNC’s stated goal:

The DNC’s stated goal of winning the votes of approximately 9 million Americans through its Democrats Abroad website seems impossible, given that according to a recent report by the federal government, only 4.4 million US citizens reside overseas, and only 2.8 million of those are of voting age.

Reuters recently wrote about the DNC’s plan to spend $300,000 to register “9 million” UOCAVA voters leading up to the 2024 election. According to the government website FVAP, there are only 2.8 million eligible UOCAVA voters. Let’s assume that half of those eligible voters would vote Democrat (a generous assumption given the state of the US economy); that’s only 1.4 million eligible voters in the 2024 election. The 1.4 million number doesn’t account for how they would vote or even if they would vote, given that a meager number of eligible overseas voters actually vote.

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