Here’s How Sinister the Deep State ‘Blob’ Censorship Operation Really Is


by Victoria Taft, PJ Media:

“Americans are subsidizing their silence.”

The man who uttered those words is Mike Benz, a former U.S. State Department boss who now strenuously advocates for digital freedom before The Blob, as he calls the deep state, completely controls every aspect of American life with its Censorship Industrial Complex. That complex doesn’t exist as an entity but does in reality.


The censorship mechanisms we now see on a daily basis in our Google searches, wildly one-sided “news” coverage, and the consolidation of speech codes into full-fledged and sometimes violent censorship on campuses across the nation are the outgrowth of U.S. State Department censorship programs enacted in 2016 after a new bubble of worldwide populism erupted. It marked the point when all of the mechanisms the U.S. employed against our enemies were turned on the American people.

Benz told podcaster Shawn Ryan (see video below) that the domestic censorship campaign was constructed when the government censorship crowd decided that free people had chosen poorly with their votes.

The advent of populism really started in 2016 with the events of the Philippines election, the events of Brexit, the events of Donald Trump’s election, followed in short succession by [Jair] Bolsonaro in Brazil,  [Matteo] Salvini in Italy, Marine Le Pen’s rise in France, Vox Party’s rise in Spain, AFDs rise in Germany.

Suddenly the people had to be stopped and wrong-think had to be corrected — and the U.S. State Department, CIA, and other alphabet agencies specializing in disinformation were put into the service of changing the minds of the American and other western people.

Benz has been boldly telling the story about this censorship campaign at his Foundation for Freedom. He’s been featured on many right-leaning programs, mainly because the right is currently the victim of the these far-reaching speech attacks. It’s similar to the efforts the FBI made with its COINTELPRO  spying and worse on America’s far left in the 1970s.

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