Announcing the Independent Media Alliance


by Derrick Broze, The Conscious Resistance:

Today we are thrilled to announce the creation of the Independent Media Alliance (IMA), a collaborative effort focused on promoting objective, fact-based media from a diverse team of journalists, podcasters, and writers.

Our emphasis will be on countering narratives currently being seeded within the “alternative” media space, including, but not limited to, the false two-party paradigm, hopium in politicians, support for imperial wars, 5th Generation Warfare, and Technocratic solutions to legitimate problems (digital IDs pitched as the “only” solution for immigration, voting fraud prevention, etc.).


The IMA will take several actions in the pursuit of this goal, including regular panels and debates featuring alliance members and guests; collaborative and joint investigations; and launching a new decentralized media network to host relevant content from alliance members. The IMA will also be partnering with decentralized video platform Odysee to ensure that the content cannot be easily censored.

The creation of the IMA was initiated by Whitney Webb of Unlimited Hangout, Ryan Cristián of The Last American Vagabond, and Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance Network.

Webb, Cristián, and Broze have invited more than a dozen journalists, podcasters, and media outlets to join the alliance. The current roster includes:

Hakeem Anwar, Above Phone/ Take Back Our Tech
Catherine Austin-Fitts, Solari Report
Jason Bassler, The Free Thought Project
Jason Bermas, The Jason Bermas Show
Catte Black, Off-Guardian
James Corbett, The Corbett Report
Iain Davis
Richard Grove, Grand Theft World Podcast
Kit Knightly, Off-Guardian
Hrvoje Morić, Geopolitics and Empire
Steve Poikonen, Slow News Day/ AM Wake Up
Charlie Robinson, Macroaggressions Podcast
Carey Wedler

“The online media landscape, despite the plummeting trust in mainstream media, has never been more weaponized and difficult to navigate,” stated Whitney Webb. “By pooling our collective resources and creating some new resources, the goal is for this group of principled independent journalists and content creators, who have proven themselves over the past several years as willing to challenge official narratives even when difficult, to be able to withstand the increasing pressures of disseminating adversarial content in an increasingly adversarial social media landscape.”

“We believe there has never been a more important time for independent, principled journalists and content creators to collaborate more than ever,” said Derrick Broze. “Together we have the power to maximize our reach and counter false solutions and narratives which are infecting the indie media and ‘truth community’.”

“At a time when objective, non-partisan media is under more attack than ever, and the two party illusion has never been more vulnerable, like the cornered animal it is, the system lashes out at those who try to change it. We can all sense the changing of the tides, and none more viscerally than the dying power structure desperate to maintain its power. This desperation has materialized into the rising threat of digital identification, social credit scores, and overall technocratic control, all of which are being forced upon us in hopes that it will stifle, if not completely snuff out, our growing awareness and rising resistance. Enter the manufactured State-serving Mainstream Alternative Media designed to usher you mindlessly into the technocratic panopticon. Whitney, Derrick and I decided to start this Independent Media Alliance to organize against this rising threat using objective, well researched journalism and collaboration.” – Ryan Cristián

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