Report: 95% of Major Network Coverage of Trump Was Negative After Second Assassination Attempt


by Olivia Rondeau, Breitbart:

Establishment media coverage of former President Donald Trump was found to be 95 percent negative following the second attempt on his life, according to a Media Research Center (MRC) analysis.

ABC, CBS, and NBC News all broadcasted overwhelmingly negative commentary on the Republican presidential candidate after Sunday’s thwarted shooting at the Trump International Golf Course in Florida, MRC found.


“A look at the first 72 hours of coverage on the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts — Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights — finds that while the attempted assassination dominated campaign coverage, these networks’ anti-Trump spin was nearly as bad as it could be: 95 percent negative, vs. just five percent positive,” wrote MRC contributing editor Rich Noyes.

While the attempted assassination allegedly perpetrated by 58-year-old Ryan Wesley Routh made up 70 percent of campaign news airtime at all three networks, 20 out of the 21 evaluative comments reviewed by the center were negative towards Trump.

After Secret Service agents thwarted Routh’s by shooting at him as he allegedly waited to get a shot at Trump, he said that “communist left rhetoric” was to blame:

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