DEVELOPING: Grassley and Johnson Uncover More Biden-Harris Lawfare Election Interference Against Trump


by Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit:

Senators Chuck Grassley (IA) and Ron Johnson (WI) uncovered more Biden-Harris lawfare election interference.

Last month, with just 90 days to go until Election Day, The Washington Post revealed new details about a previously unknown federal probe into whether Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi attempted to funnel $10 million into Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.


This investigation, which remained undisclosed for over three years, aimed to determine if a $10 million donation made by Trump to his campaign shortly before the election was actually financed by the Egyptian government.

This is the same agency that ignored the Biden crime family.

The investigation began in 2017 based on classified U.S. intelligence suggesting Sisi’s intention to financially support Trump’s campaignIn early 2019, federal investigators learned about a significant cash withdrawal from the National Bank of Egypt on January 15, 2017, just five days before Trump became president.

The withdrawal involved an organization called the Research and Studies Center requesting $9,998,000 in cash. Bank employees assembled the money in $100 bills, placed it in two large bags, and four men later collected it.

The investigation began during Trump’s presidency and involved Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Mueller’s team investigated Trump, including a secretive court battle to obtain records from the Egyptian bank, and concluded there wasn’t enough evidence to pursue charges.

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