Thursday, March 6, 2025

The ‘Marxists-Among-Us’


by D.W. Wilber, AmericaOutloud:

The ends justify the means.” Does that sound familiar to people? It should; it’s the governing philosophy of the Marxists-Among-Us’ who have taken control of the former Democrat Party and led it far astray from the party of Harry S Truman and JFK. In fact, there’s a legitimate argument to be made that both of those former presidents would be more aligned with the Republican Party nowadays than with the Marxist-Democrat Party.


But what does that slogan actually mean? The short answer is that it means anything is fair game; there are no rules or limitations as to what tactics can be used in order to gain control and power over the people. That would include telling bald-faced lies to the voters if that’s what it takes to get their support. That is pretty much what the installed Democrat nominee for president, Kamala Harris, has been doing for quite a while now, especially during the recent debate between her and the Republican nominee, former President Donald Trump.

If one were to place end-to-end all of the lies told by Harris and the Marxist-Democrat Party, it would stretch from, say, Beijing, China, all the way to Washington, D.C. Since it’s become pretty evident that much of the Marxist-Democrat Party has been under surveillance – if not full control, of the Chinese Communist Party for decades now. Just ask former Senator Diane Feinstein’s driver, who was a Chinese spy, or current Democrat Congressman Eric Swalwell, who at one point maintained a torrid love affair with another Chinese spy. (That one’s really hard to figure out; the CCP must have paid her an extra bonus for that one.)

The reality is that the former Democrat Party has moved so far to the left of the political spectrum that its guiding ideology and political philosophy are more aligned with Marxism than having anything remotely to do with our Capitalist and free market system of government.

During his presidency Barack Hussein Obama promised us that he was going to “fundamentally transform” the United States of America. He never really defined what he meant by that, nor was he ever asked by a compliant news media whom he had in his pocket. I’m sure it was a disappointment for him that he was unable to achieve that goal during his eight years in office.

Fortunately for America, Republicans were able to take control of the House after two years and put the brakes on Obama’s efforts to achieve his goal. Further disappointing Obama was the election of Donald Trump to the presidency in 2016, which Trump achieved against the odds and despite Obama’s efforts to spy on the Trump campaign.

Once Trump was elected, Obama and his party were determined to derail Trump’s efforts to restore America to sanity. The Marxist-Democrat Party – with Obama and his minions behind the scenes, went to work doing everything they could to destroy Trump’s presidency. The Russia Collusion hoax was nothing less than a Marxist-Democrat-led covert influence campaign reminiscent of those regularly conducted by the former Soviet Union for decades against the United States. Obama and the Marxists-Among-Us learned their lessons well, and were determined to destroy the Trump presidency “by any means necessary” (which is just another variation of the party’s driving philosophy as described previously).

Today, our country is at a pivotal point in our nation’s history. We’re very close to losing to the Marxists-Among-Us, who are determined to take full political control of our government and, thus, complete control of our lives.

For way too many years, we turned a blind eye to the decades-long efforts of the Marxists. We allowed ourselves to be distracted by worries about whom to invite to next Saturday’s backyard Bar B Que, what color to paint the spare bedroom, or little Buffy’s upcoming dance recital ⏤ while the Marxists-Among-Us worked dutifully to acquire more and more power over our lives. While we focused on building a career so that we could put our children through college, buy a home, and achieve the American dream, most of us didn’t get involved in local politics. We were just too busy with life.

Unfortunately, the Marxists-Among-Us ran for those local offices. State legislatures, county councils, city councils, school boards, and even condo and subdivision associations (which is why suddenly you couldn’t raise the American flag on your property since it detracted from the overall aesthetics of the community) were taken over by those whose ideology was far different from the people they lorded over.

The Marxists-Among-Us began to impose radical rules and regulations on everyone, mostly as a method of maintaining control. Suddenly, we found that climate change, which had been occurring naturally for millions of years, was such a threat that drastic measures had to be enacted. Drastic measures that gave the government more control. ‘Gender Dysphoria,’ a mental disturbance that was more in need of mental health care, counseling, and treatment, was normalized, part of the effort by the Marxists-Among-Us to undermine the traditional family structure.

American children were being indoctrinated daily by radical ‘educators’ from their Kindergarten years all of the way through college. They were being taught that America was a bad place and that all of the world’s problems could be traced back to our doorstep. The same doorstep that was once at Ellis Island, and that welcomed millions of ‘legal’ immigrants into our country to pursue their own American dream.

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