USDA colluding with China to build bird flu BIOWEAPON with gain-of-function research


by Ethan Huff, Natural News:

The United States government is once again colluding with communist China to build a deadly bioweapon, this time from circulating strains of avian flu.

The White Coat Waste Project (WCW Project) recently obtained Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) documents showing that U.S. taxpayer money is being funneled to a Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) laboratory on mainland China that is tampering with bird flu through highly controversial gain-of-function research.


Before the proof came out, career politician Tom Vilsack, who currently holds the title of secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), lied under oath by claiming that the U.S. is not colluding with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to build more deadly bioweapons.

Back in March during an exchange with Congressman Ben Cline, Vilsack vehemently denied any notion of “collaboration” taking place between the CCP and Washington. Vilsack said all U.S. data has been “basically walled off,” the suggestion being that the Chinese government has no access to it.

“It’s really not a collaboration per se,” Vilsack said. “To my knowledge, there is not [data] sharing … all of this is basically walled off, so everything we’re doing stays with us; it doesn’t necessarily go to the UK or to China.”

Vilsack’s department ignored Congressional request for information

To verify Vilsack’s claims, Congress wrote him a follow-up letter a few weeks after the exchange with Cline requesting further information about the matter. As you might expect, Vilsack’s department never responded.

It took diligent sleuths at the WCW Project to file FOIA requests allowing them access to the 2021 grant application the USDA under Vilsack signed called “U.S.-UK-China Collab: Predictive Phylogenetics for Evolutionary and Transmission Dynamics of Newly Emerging Avian Influenza Viruses” that proves Vilsack to be a liar.

Said document shows that American researchers employed by the USDA traveled to China and disclosed all of the information that Vilsack claims was “walled off.” So much for being the “most open and transparent administration in American history.”

It turns out that Vilsack flat-out lied about the very real collaboration that took place between Washington and China to develop a bird flu bioweapon. He also lied about U.S. taxpayers footing the bill for this bioweapon.

“Tom Vilsack is a liar who perjured himself and should be prosecuted for it,” writes Ben Bartee for Armageddon Prose.

“More importantly, the milking of the public treasury to engineer dangerous new pathogens – particularly in offshore and opaque Chinese labs, given recent history – should be a non-starter, no exceptions.”

As usual, the American public is completely in the dark about what is happening with their own tax dollars. More COVID-like bioweapons are being built in the background while the world waits for another “pandemic” to emerge as promised.

“This is not just malfeasance: it is complicit, treasonous evil,” a commenter wrote about these developments. “The CCP / global cabal death cult will duke it out for ultimate power once they have killed off 80 percent of the population.”

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