Bill Gates Demands Mandatory Digital ID to Tackle ‘Misinformation’


by Frank Bergman, Slay News:

Billionaire Bill Gates is demanding that digital IDs be made mandatory in order to supposedly tackle so-called “misinformation.”

In a new interview, the Microsoft co-founder also blasted the First Amendment for protecting the free speech rights of the American people.

Gates argues that the First Amendment is standing in the way of censoring “misinformation” online.


He called for digital IDs as a way to skirt the First Amendment and curb “misinformation during an interview with CNET, where he also discussed artificial intelligence (AI) and “climate change.”

While lamenting free speech rights, Gates erroneously cited the example that shouting “fire” in a crowded theater is an exception to First Amendment protections.

However, this misrepresentation has been repeatedly clarified legally to be a myth.

Gates, meanwhile, claims he is grappling with what he believes to be the threats of “misinformation” and the technological phenomena of deepfakes.

While warning of this alleged threat, Gates argues that digital IDs will help curb this “misinformation” by forcing people to verify their identities online.

Gates frequently promotes his digital ID technology as an answer to several alleged problems that he claims are threatening society.

This push is particularly highlighted in an upcoming Netflix series and through dialogue with Stanford experts.

The Microsoft co-founder’s organization, the Gates Foundation, has been pumping vast sums of cash into digital ID projects.

He has been helping India implement its national digital ID system while using parts of Africa as a testing ground for the technology.

Gates’s proposed approach ostensibly aims to curb the spread of “fake” content.

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