Climate Alarmists Baffled: ‘There Are No Hurricanes This Season, Our Climate Models No Longer Work’


from 21st Century Wire:

You know the drill: August is here and we normally see the annual headlines of “deadly heat wave” and “climate chaos”, only this year it’s erily quiet on the lucrative climate alarmist front. 

How about this for a radical new idea: factors like solar activity and volcanos can also be major drivers of ‘climate change’ on the planet Earth.

Here’s a perfectly logical (rather than an emotional) explanation…


IMAGE: Notably, leading climate campaigners Greta Thunberg and AOC have been extremely quiet this past year – probably due to the weather. 

Zero Hedge reports…

The Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea are hot, yet hurricane season has entered a lull just days before its peak. Earlier this year, climate alarmists warned about elevated tropical activity due to ‘climate change,’ but their forecast has proven incorrect. 

The Atlantic tropics are completely broken, unable to produce tropical storms even w/off the charts “climate fueled” oceans. Our models no longer work, forecasters can’t figure it out. This is not normal.

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