Aurora Business Owner Describes Migrant Chaos: ‘We’ve Been Forced to Put Bulletproof Glass Up’


by Hannah Knudsen, Breitbart:

A woman who owns a business adjacent to the apartment complex taken over by Venezuelan gangs in Aurora, Colorado, said she has been forced to put up bulletproof glass to protect her business, describing the chaos in her community caused by migrants to Breitbart News Daily host Mike Slater.


“It’s horrible. Mike, I run a business right adjacent to that apartment complex,” she said, describing the current situation as “overwhelming.”

“It’s out of control. Denver is just a sanctuary city. They’re just, they’re just flooding them into the smaller communities. Now they’re busing them out here. They’re busing them to our smaller communities, and their hotels are being overrun out here. And it’s just chaos, just chaos,” the caller, identified as Pam, said, explaining that they have been in business for ten years, running a gas station.

Before the migrant crisis, she described the neighborhood as one in the middle, not the best, but not the worst, either.

“You know, it was fairly quiet community. You know, you had your problems. You know, you had your shoplifters, but since this has become more and more, they just come in and grab and run and you know, we’ve been forced to put bulletproof glass up into our business since this has all started,” she said.

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