The Great Realignment


by David Prentice, American Thinker:

The Trump campaign has been shaking the foundations of America since he came down the escalator.  Part of the shake-up is due to Trump himself.  A blue-collar billionaire who was not part of the political in-crowd.  Brash.  Bold.  Creative.  Speaks his mind.  He knows how to sell and promote his ideas.  He has the gift of multi-tasking.  He dealt with real estate and construction in New York and did equally well as a television superstar.  He is simply impossible for his detractors to control.


This shaking is also caused by the leftist response to Trump.  He drives them to drink while he is sober (not necessarily a shot at Kamala).  Their reaction has been hysterical, going so far over-the-top in fighting him that they begin to self-destruct.  One extraordinary outcome of their singular focus to destroy Trump has been that they’ve failed.  I’m not sure anyone else could have lasted against this army of angry mutant leftists aiming to destroy them.  Their response to Trump has no equal historically.  The anger blinding them has rarely been seen.  Maybe never.  They must spend each day messaging one another thousands of new plans to rid themselves of this turbulent priest.

One interesting outcome we have seen in all this hubbub is the realignment of the political parties we once knew.  In a nutshell, the GOP has become the party of Trump, while the Democrats have become the party of the clinically insane.  Unfortunately, that’s not a joke.  Fortunately, the realignment mentioned is real.  There is genuine change concerning the major issues we face.

Since Reagan, the GOP had been the party that supported a strong military.  Reagan stood against the USSR, pushing up the cost of the arms race to defeat communism.  What’s known as the military-industrial complex benefited from this stance.  George Bush continued this policy, going to war with Iraq in the early 1990s.  W. picked up the mantle despite there being no more cold war to win.  His response to 9/11 was regrettable in hindsight.  The Bush family stamped the GOP as the party of war.

The Democrats, being carefully contrarian with Reagan, had an anti-war minority in their ranks.  Most Democrats took that view, but they saw Reagan’s policies as popular and held their fire.  It was during the Bush years they became fully anti-war again.  No matter the reason, they began protesting war, their voters coming against all things military.  This became their policy.

Look at the parties today.  The Democrats have now become the party of endless war.  Democrats support the military-industrial complex.  Their foreign policies reignited the Ukraine war, and they seem to want it perpetually.  They insist on giving this war billions upon billions.  They cannot stop wearing Ukraine lapel pins, nor giving Ukraine’s corrupt dictator his monthly fix.  Oddly there are no Democrat anti-war rallies about Ukraine.  Makeover complete.

Meanwhile, the GOP has turned from their old hawkish self.  Mostly through Trump.  He questioned the Iraq war during his first campaign, turning many… *raises hand*… against their former positions.  During his presidency, not one new war was started.  An achievement not accomplished since before WWII.  The party, including the rank and file, has switched to being a war-last party.  They have not gone full pacifist as the Democrats did.  Trump rebuilt the military during his tenure.  It was peace through strength at its best.

A major realignment has happened with economic policy for both parties.  Democrats once championed blue-collar America.  Now the blue-collar vote has been traded for the tech lords.  Blue-collar America is turning to Trump, and has done so more and more since his first campaign.  The GOP has changed as well, the new champions of blue-collar workers.  This is a sea-change, one I saw while reading “The Art of the Deal”.  Trump always loved visiting with and talking to the workers in his buildings.  He always knew how the project was going by conversing with them.

He knew that the Republican trade policy was wrong for the blue-collar class.  His fair-trade concept is one the Democrats used to favor.  True to form, Democrats now oppose what they used to believe in… because Trump.  What Trump wants is for the wages of blue-collar families to be strong enough to buy cars, homes, and all the necessities to make a good and full life in a nation that values them.  Democrats have brought the outsourcing of jobs, and inflation that hurts the blue-collar and poor the most—little job creation, and prosperity only for the government class and tech workers.  And of course, Democrats bring illegals to hurt wage growth, wasting enormous amounts of resources, all while gleaning their votes for perpetual Democrat power.  Their new alignment.  Americans should find that disgusting.

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