Bill Gates To Force Vaccinate 1 Million Displaced Palestinian Children With Polio Jab


by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

Bill Gates has boasted about plans to force vaccinate around one million displaced Palestinian children with his dangerous and experimental Polio vaccine.

The Gates-funded WHO announced the plan to use the displaced, malnourished children as lab rats.

TRUTH LIVES on at reports: This polio vaccine experiment is designed to shed vaccine-derived polio strains, which are currently the most common form of polio circulating the globe. Worse, the mass vaccination program will cause provocation polio – crippling a certain percentage of the children and leaving their immune systems vulnerable to other infections.

As the Palestinian communities collapse – with sewage, rubble and blood backing up into their drinking water – the only thing global governments can think up is a plan to round the children up and inoculate them! Forget that they are in survival mode, starving, injured and living in filth without access to nutrition or medical care.

Even with healthcare facilities obliterated, the WHO is more interested in shooting kids up with vaccines

Israeli’s military actions have had a devastating effect on Gaza’s healthcare infrastructure. Restrictions imposed by the Israeli military have severely crippled the territory’s healthcare system. Currently, only about a third of Gaza’s hospitals are operational, and 40 percent of primary healthcare facilities are functioning at minimal capacity. This has left many residents without access to essential medical services, exacerbating the already dire conditions.

But not even these needs are the focal point. European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has called for an “immediate 3-day humanitarian ceasefire” to get the children re-vaccinated. He demands access to Gaza “independent of wider negotiations.”

In response to the escalating humanitarian crisis, Israel has agreed to a temporary pause in the war to allow for the delivery of polio vaccines to Gaza. The vaccine shipment, which consists of 1.25 million doses, is intended to cover over half of Gaza’s population, including approximately 640,000 children.

Israel, which has previously blocked food and medical aid to Gaza, will allow WHO and UNICEF to file into the streets and inoculate tens of thousands of children. This action is justified, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, because a 10-month-old infant in Deir al-Balah tested positive for the type 2 polio virus. It was the first polio case in Gaza since the mid-1990s. Global health authorities are taking this as an opportunity to move over a million vaccine units and re-vaccinate a population that is desperate and vulnerable for any global response.

Child exploitation and population control, veiled as a humanitarian act

The vaccination campaign is being carried out in cooperation with various organizations, including UNICEF, WHO, and UNRWA (the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees). Sam Rose, a senior official from the agency, acknowledged that the operation is expected to be highly challenging due to the ongoing conflict and the difficult conditions faced by both the health workers and the local population.

The current focus on vaccination does not address the broader humanitarian crisis facing Gaza. The conflict has created an environment of extreme deprivation, with significant impacts on food security, sanitation and overall health. Many children in Gaza are suffering from malnutrition and compromised immune systems, making them more susceptible to infections and disease.

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