San Fran Gets $3 Million to Finish Removing “Racist” Statues


by R. Cort Kirkwood, The New American:

The People’s Republic of San Francisco is set to finish the job that Floyd Hoax rioters began in 2020.

The once-great, once-beautiful city will use $3 million of foundation money to decide which of the city’s remaining statues — those that Floyd Hoax rioters left intact — must come down because they don’t represent the city’s “values.”

An obvious target will be those that promote “racism,” “white supremacy,” and other imagined problems of the past.

As that project proceeds, Mayor London Breed’s city is a dying, crime-infested cesspool.


Power and Privilege

The beginning of the end for many of the statues began in 2018, the San Francisco Chronicle reported, when the city removed its “Early Days” statue because it featured an Indian at the feet of a Spanish missionary.

But “the effort gathered steam amid the racial-justice movement in 2020 that followed the murder of George Floyd. That year, crowds toppled statues throughout the country that glorified Confederate Civil War leaders, which critics said paid homage to the country’s racist past,” the newspaper continued.

Funding the project is $3 million from the leftist Mellon Foundation.

Continued the Chronicle:

The project, called “Shaping Legacy,” was discussed at an Arts Commission meeting last week when senior project manager Angela Carrier explained that looking at San Francisco’s monuments and memorials as a whole shows “a concentration that talks about power, privilege, white supremacy, patriarchy, and colonialism.”

“These monuments no longer represent the values that we say the city stands for,” she added.

The monuments and memorial[s] were listed in an inventory last updated in June, 2023. They range from Lotta’s Fountain installed on Market Street in 1875 to the bust of George Moscone at City Hall to a dozen or more statues of explorers and war heroes in Golden Gate Park. The most recent addition is a 9-foot bronze of Maya Angelou being installed at the Main Library in September. It, too, will be subject to review. The entire Civic Art Collection consists of 4,000 objects valued in excess of $100 million.

The project’s mission statement says its goal is to confront the inequities of the past in order to confront the inequities of the present.

A thin story about the project in SFist reported that “an audit of the city’s 98 Statues [will] determine if any should be removed for being racist or sexist.”

The city announced the $3 million grant last year. It was part of Mellon’s commitment of $250 million “to transform the nation’s commemorative landscape through public projects that more completely and accurately represent the multiplicity and complexity of American stories,” said a news release from the San Francisco Arts Commission.

Other targets are Asheville, North Carolina; Boston, Massachusetts; Chicago, Illinois; Denver, Colorado; and more.

“Pulse Check”

The money in San Francisco will fund “Pulse Check: Accountability and Activation of Future SF Monuments, an initiative encompassing a racial equity audit of publicly accessible works in the Civic Art Collection, community engagement, and several community-led artist activations in public spaces.”

The object: rid the public landscape of anything a leftist public officials deem “racist,” the release said.

“With the support of this grant, we can continue this important work to ensure our City’s monuments and memorials are reflective of our values and showcase the art and stories of all the people and moments that make our City so special,” Breed said.

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