“Free Speech” Issue? Telegram Founder with More Than 100 Biological Children Accused of Protecting Child Sex Traffickers


by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

Before I start writing about the headline news event from this past weekend where the founder of the Telegram platform was arrested in France, I think it is helpful to first define a term that is being used with almost all of the coverage of this event in the media, which is the term “free speech”.

The term “free speech” is used today, particularly in the mostly “right-wing” alternative media, as if its definition is universally understood.

However, the term “free speech” is anything but understood the same way by everyone who uses it.

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The first thing to understand about “free speech” is that in its absolute form, it doesn’t exist.

Absolute and total “free speech” is not allowed by any country of the world today, and every country in the world today has laws that regulate and prohibit total “free speech.”

The most common example given in the English language in western countries, is the example of someone running into a sold-out movie theater and yelling “FIRE!”, which results in a mad rush towards the exits where people trample each other causing deaths and injuries, when in fact, there never was any fire at all.

The person who would have caused such a panic, would be arrested, and their claim to “free speech” would not be upheld in a court of law.

Likewise, lying in public or on a publicly accessible Internet platform where someone lies about another person, or even just gives false information, that results in that person suffering harm, is also illegal according to the laws of slander and libel speech, and the victim can sue the person practicing their “free speech” that caused them harm.

Every country in the world has laws in place to protect people against such “free speech”, as well as what is legally acceptable to publish in terms of images and videos.

In the U.S., for example, as well as in most countries around the world, one does not have “free speech” to publish what is considered “pornography”, or various types of sex crimes. There is no “free speech”, for example, to publish a video of a pedophile raping a baby or young child.

Imagine a world where there was unregulated, total “free speech” such as this.

Sadly, the predominate view of “free speech” in most conservative, “right-wing” communities, is that “free speech” is defined by allowing those who think and believe like they do have unrestricted access to the public to publish their views, while they have no problem if those who don’t agree with them, such as “liberal commies”, are restricted in their speech.

Billionaire Technocrats have figured this out, as they increasingly learn how to manipulate the “Right” and make money off of them.

Elon Musk is the perfect example of this, especially after he purchased Twitter and made it private. Because he reinstated Twitter (now X) accounts from those who were on the “Right” and had previously had their accounts shut down before he bought Twitter, all of these people on the Conservative Right now believe he is a champion of “free speech.”

But I have consistently proven that is not the case at all, and that Musk’s X very frequently takes down posts and squelches “free speech” according to whatever standards they now have as to what is considered “free speech” and what is not. See:

Elon Musk and Twitter/X: The New “Fox News on Steroids” for Social Media and the New Definition of “Free Speech”

It has also been reported that Musk has complied with more foreign government demands for information on Twitter than his predecessors. (Source.)

But it doesn’t matter to the Conservative Right, who only view “free speech” from the perspective that they can say whatever they want on Twitter now, whereas before they could not.

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