The Democratic Party Exists To Make Sure Good People Do Nothing


by Caitlin Johnstone, Caitlin Johnstone:

The reason I criticize the Democrats so much can be explained in the aphorism “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” The Democratic Party exists to ensure that good people will do nothing.

Gaza is such a perfect example of this. When Instagram progressive Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez promulgates the blatant lie that Kamala Harris is “working tirelessly to secure a ceasefire in Gaza,” the result is that people who trust AOC will relax and stop pushing for an end to the genocide. They’ve been told by the congresswoman who’s been marketed as standing as far to the left as anyone can reasonably be that the current administration can be trusted to take care of this thing, so all they need to do to save Gaza is vote for the vice president in November.


It isn’t necessary to impose such manipulations upon Republicans, who simply support Israel’s atrocities in Gaza because they believe Muslims should be exterminated and because Israel is going to fulfill a biblical prophecy that will bring back Jesus and send all the heathens to burn in hell. Such manipulations are only necessary to politically nullify the kinds of people who would otherwise see what’s happening in Gaza and move mountains to end this mass atrocity.

So, so many of the world’s problems wouldn’t exist if the Democratic Party simply was what it pretends to be. If it really did stand against the sickest impulses of the Republican Party, if it really did stand for peace and justice and equality and ordinary working people, things would be unrecognizably different — not just for the United States, but for the entire world. Because good people would be doing something instead of nothing, evil would not triumph.

The Democratic Party exists to prevent this from happening. Instead of a good faction standing against an evil faction, the world’s most powerful and influential government instead has two evil factions working together toward the advancement of evil agendas. But what makes it so destructive is that it’s not just two openly evil factions: it’s one openly evil faction, and another faction which pretends to stand with good people against the evil faction.

If it was two openly evil factions, good people would immediately recognize that their goals are not being represented by either party, and a real revolutionary movement would emerge. What makes the Democratic Party such an effective psyop is that it stops good people from recognizing that everyone with power and influence in their country is their enemy. And it stops them from responding accordingly.

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