Democrats Trying To Brainwash Conservatives Into Eating Less Red Meat


by Sean Adl-Tabatabai, The Peoples Voice:

A new study published this month investigated changes in word choices in the hopes of brainwashing meat eaters to switch to artificial fake meat foods instead.

The researchers discovered that conservatives are the primary meat-eating culprit who were least susceptible to the brainwashing.

“The paper ultimately found that a willingness to eat less red meat fell along partisan lines, with Democrats being more eager to deny themselves the nutrient dense food, which is chock full of vitamins and proteins that aid in muscle growth. Republicans, on the other hand, were “often unresponsive” to changes in terminology,” Stephen Kokx said in Lifesite News.

TRUTH LIVES on at reports: It should be noted that global warming is a global crisis for a global solution, a global tax for a global government. Evidence shows it is based on imagination and assumptions and the temperature data proves it.

The study included a table with data that inquired on individual’s reaction to climate change-related terms and corresponding political leanings, as well as the willingness to give up red meat.

When the term ‘climate change’ was used, 35 percent of conservatives were willing to eat less red meat while 68 percent of liberals were willing to eat less red meat. When ‘global warming’ was used, that number increased to 45 percent of conservatives and 73 percent of liberals. The terms ‘climate crisis’, ‘climate emergency’ and ‘climate justice’ were also surveyed and the results fell around those percentages.

“The terms ‘global warming,’ ‘climate crisis,’ ‘climate emergency,’ and ‘climate justice’ each draw attention to different aspects of climate change. Psychological theories of attitude formation suggest that people’s attitudes can be influenced by such variations in terminology. In a national experiment, we randomly assigned a national sample of 5,137 U.S. residents to ‘climate change,’ ‘global warming,’ ‘climate crisis,’ ‘climate emergency,’ or ‘climate justice’ and examined their responses,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section. “Overall, ‘climate change’ and ‘global warming’ were rated as most familiar and most concerning, and ‘climate justice’ the least, with ratings for ‘climate crisis’ and ‘climate emergency’ falling in between. Moreover, we find no evidence for ‘climate crisis’ or ‘climate emergency’ eliciting more perceived urgency than ‘climate change’ or ‘global warming’.”

The researchers discovered that their best bet is to stick to well-known terms in their propaganda in order to maximize the public’s neuroticism.

“Auxiliary analyses found that when terms were unfamiliar, participants were generally less likely to express concern, urgency, policy support, or willingness to eat less red meat,” the study said in the ‘Abstract’ section.

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