Throwback Thursday: Turbo Cancer


by Fed Up Texas Chick, The Tenpenny Report:

Our government has named August as National Vaccine Awareness Month. Naturally, they use this month to sell the benefits of all vaccines. But we know better — and vaccines are dangerous.

Take COVID-19 jabs as just one example. Tucker Carlson calls COVID-19 “the greatest crime ever committed.” One of the reasons is that these jabs are causing turbo cancers. Dr. Tenpenny wrote about it most recently in June in her substack regarding the demise of the AstraZeneca jab.

Dr. T was also one of the very first to talk about the mechanisms of injury of the COVID jabs. She started out writing about 20 mechanisms, and quickly expanded it to 40 mechanisms as the shots began to take their toll.


In my books, 40 Mechanisms of Injury, I wrote about the genetic mutations and cancer, as well as adenoviruses and cancer. I also wrote about the graphene nanoparticles that can accumulate in the lung, liver, spleen and other organs. These particles can be inhaled and deposited in the respiratory tract and travel to the lower lung airways. The result may be granuloma, lung fibrosis or even cancer. The toxicological mechanisms include inflammatory response, DNA damage, cellular death, tissue necrosis, and more.

Sadly we are still seeing the devastating results of these jabs and turbo cancers are on the rise. We will see this for many years to come. Dr. T has been telling us this for years, and we need to brace ourselves for more deaths.

Dr. T’s colleague Ryan Cole says we are in trouble, too. He and other doctors are seeing cancers behaving in a very aggressive manner. These cancers are also not responding to therapies in the usual manner. Dr. Cole was recently a guest on Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog. Dr. Cole reminds us that 700 million doses were given in the US, according to the CDC’s data.

It is a gene-based injection, not a vaccine. And these jabs suppress the immune system, rendering immune cells unable to fight the cancer. We’ve heard that over and over from Dr. Tenpenny. Facts are facts: cancer is on the rise. Drs. like Tenpenny, Cole and many others are seeing traditionally calm and manageable cancers take off like wildfire, growing everywhere very, very quickly.

So many young people are getting cancers. I talked to a friend the other day and was stunned to find out that her 29-year-old daughter had just had a double mastectomy to keep her aggressive breast cancer at bay. It is truly devastating.

The truth will come out, despite best efforts to keep the turbo cancer evidence hidden. In the recent plane crash of the ATR72 turboprop plane in Brazil, it is now known that eight of the 62 people who died were oncologists headed to an important medical conference. At the conference, six of the eight planned to expose the mRNA (modRNA) “vaccines” as a cause of turbo cancer. This is being reported in the mainstream media, like in this BBC article.

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