Netanyahu, and the Terrorist Zionists and U.S. Government, Should Be Damned!


by Lew Rockwell, Lew Rockwell:

“Ours is an age in which thousands are driven daily from their homelands by the unforgiving brutalities of war, terrorism, political oppression, starvation, disease, economic piracy, and the relentless suffocation of that singular breath which makes human beings individuals.”

~ Aberjhani

Zionist Israel is a terrorist state bent on genocide, warmongering, total destruction of peoples and cultures, and control and destruction of the U.S. and Middle East. The U.S. is also a terrorist state that is mostly controlled by, and in bed with, Zionist Israel. In fact, they are one and the same. Both countries work together as one, and thrive and survive on terrorism and the killing of innocents.


There is absolutely nothing special or exceptional about Israel or America, quite the contrary is the case, as they are both murderous States with no regard for their own people or any others. It is high time that this certainty is pointed out, as all aggression by these governments and all those supporting these governments, should be eliminated by any means necessary.

The recent adoration and sickening display by the U.S. Congress and all other attendees, for the evil Netanyahu, was as pathetic an exhibition as could have occurred. The lauding of Netanyahu and Israel for its slaughter and genocidal massacre of Palestinians is an evil affront to all of humanity. It also put on full display who is really running this country of ignoramuses and fools. It is not, and never has been, the masses of so-called ‘citizens,’, who claim that idiotic notion. The insanity of it all is astounding, but few have enough brain cells to put two and two together.

We are on the verge of all-out war due to Israel’s direction of U.S. policy; policy totally accepted and embraced by the bought and paid for politicians who carry out the agendas of their masters in the deep state. The rhetoric being spewed today is fully indicative of a pre-planned coup and false flag structured by Zionist Israel and the U.S. to implicate Iran as aggressor, when in fact the exact opposite is the case. Headlines today state that “Iran expected to attack Israel as early as Monday,” this as Iran has already been attacked by Israel with U.S. support. The U.S. is said to be deploying ships and fighter jets to the Middle East (Israel) to prepare to slaughter more people who have not been involved in any aggressive war for nearly 300 years. This scam is ongoing of course, as both the U.S. and Israel have continued to threaten Iran at every turn, and will likely create a falsified attack against their own in order to blame Iran so as to purposely start a war that could escalate into world war. This of course has been done on multiple occasions throughout our history.

This propaganda being reported about an attack by Iran, one that could easily be justified, as both the U.S. and Israel have been committing acts of war against Iran for many years; decades, in fact, came from “three (unnamed) U.S. and Israeli officials,” as supposedly told to one Axios reporter. Sounds to me like a preplanned, telegraphed threat made up in order to use a false flag attack blamed on Iran to start a war that would spread far and wide. Why would anyone other than braindead dolts believe one single word coming from any mainstream media in the U.S. or Israel; both lying nation states bound and determined to start another major war?

The U.S. ‘commander’ of the Central Command, just happened to be in the Middle East early this morning (Sunday) for a ‘visit,’ one that was planned before any of this current escalation and assassination took place. Just coincidental timing I am sure, like every other false flag planned far in advance by U.S. and Israeli scum. Of course, it has been stated by these government ‘officials’ that innocent civilians in Israel will be targeted, but if that is the case, it is almost assured that those civilians would likely be targeted by the IDF and Mossad, and not Iran or Lebanon. Of course, the U.S. ‘Defense’ Secretary, has already approved sending more Navy cruisers and destroyers into the Middle East and Europe; this before they have launched their false flag attack. Whether this attack happens in the near term or not, this conflict is being pursued aggressively and constantly by the U.S. and Zionist Israel.

When, if ever, will Americans understand that they are nothing but cannon fodder for the U.S. and Israeli governments, and stop this government from participating in the genocide of others, including the murder of tens or hundreds of thousands of children and innocents around the world. If you vote for any master, whether for the evil Trump or Harris, support either government, you are supporting the slaughter and murder of innocents, and allowing your earnings to be used for that effort. You are doing this voluntarily, and are just as guilty as those who are actually committing these heinous acts of terror in your name.

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