An Infamous Ruling


by Paul Craig Roberts, Paul Craig Roberts:

Twenty years and three months ago I wrote an article on the 50th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education. This was the US Supreme Court decision that racially integrated public schools in America. Liberal elites saw the decision as a hallmark ruling for racial integration.

More importantly, it was the exercise of legislative authority by the Supreme Court and the substitution of coercion for good will and the will of the people. The court’s decision led to the Court pre-empting Congress’ power in other decisions, such as Roe v. Wade, which a later court, realizing the Court’s violation of the separation of powers overturned. The Brown decision also opened the door to the legalization of homosexual marriage.


Progressive liberals only see court decisions in terms of whether they are supportive of their progressive agendas, not in terms of whether the balance of powers is respected. Liberals have made it completely clear that if the Constitution stands in the way of their agendas, the Constitution has to go.

Consequently, liberals have worked to supplant the people’s will as protected in the Constitution with their will. Liberals attribute to their agendas more morality than to the preservation of government by the people.

Brown resulted in the 1964 Civil Rights Act being stood on its head by Alfred Blumrosen at the EEOC. The Act explicitly prohibited racial and gender quotas, but Blumrosen using regulatory power repealed the 14th Amendment and mandated racial quotas in university appointments, and in hiring, and promotion policies. These enforced quotas were prohibited by the 1964 Civil Rights Act, but the courts followed their practice of deferring to the regulatory agencies, a practice they had followed since F.D. Roosevelt’s 1930s.

Whereas the Constitution’s requirement of equality under the law, reinforced by the 14th Amendment, rejects any form of privilege before the law, racial quotas create precisely such privilege.

Sixty years of racial quotas have displaced white men, especially heterosexual men unprotected by the LBGT+ movement, from power positions and left them second class citizens. This is a revolutionary event. It was the intent of cultural marxists, Jewish immigrants from Nazi Germany, to achieve this result from their long “march through the institutions.” Today there are no heterosexual white men in the upper positions of the Biden regime.

All American institutions are now corrupted. Integrity, morality, justice, and truth have been uprooted and cast away. Ideological passions, regardless of fact and reason, rule the Western world.

Examples are everywhere. France, once a religious Catholic country, just opened the Olympics with an enactment of foreplay to an orgy of sexual perversion.

The US Congress gives a mass murderer who intends the genocide of Palestine 53 standing ovations.

Liberal pundits and Democrats who find Trump an obstacle to their agendas suggest his assassination.

The examples are endless.

It has been 70 years since the Brown decision. Did the decision integrate America or divide America? Superficially it integrated America. Racial quotas and preferences have replaced whites people with brown ones. But what also has happened is that American blacks, who are brown, not black, have realized that they are privileged in law and that these privileges are valuable. They don’t intend to let go of them. So Brown has divided us.

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