Biden Historic for Level of Corruption


from Moonbattery:

Democrat pols pride themselves on being historic. Usually this is achieved by checking correct identity group boxes. But Joe Biden found another way of attaining historicness:

“History will show Joe Biden and his family were the most corrupt occupiers of the White House of any family in the history of America,” [House Oversight and Accountability Chairman James] Comer, R-Ky., told The Daily Signal in an interview late last week.


Surpassing the Clintons was no easy task. What’s more, Biden was able to achieve this despite senility having eaten away most of his already limited intelligence before even taking office. His historic level of corruption was made possible by unprecedented levels of arrogance by his fellow Democrats, the politicization of the FBI, and nonfeasance by the liberal media.

Comer’s committee obtained records revealing that the Bidens and their associates received over $20 million in payments from foreign entities and individuals, largely through numerous limited liability companies, or LLCs, established by the family. Sources of the millions of dollars include China, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, and Kazakhstan, the committee showed.

Note that the first two are hostile to the USA. The third has become a black hole down which our government pours 12-digit figures of our money.

Let’s not rob Biden of his historic achievements. Elect Trump, so that the rest of his corruption might be brought to light. If Democrats consolidate power, all of it will go down the memory hole.

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