Buckle Up, The Brotherhood Of Evil Is In Their Power Cycle, and We Should Expect A False Flag Terror Attack Against The United States In The Coming Months


by Alan Barton, All News Pipeline:

One of the more recent questions that concern all but those who are actually running the world is just who is actually running this particular nation; who selects our presidents.  It should be most obvious to anyone actually paying attention to things that they are NOT actually “elected” but are selected as we have discussed many times before in this column.   We will not get the answer today, but we will see very clearly that they do in fact have full control over our state of affairs.

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Although officially there was no voter fraud in the 2008 elections, the results do not line up with what was expected and with what was polled in after-voting canvases were taken.  Like Obama said of it all, “I come from Chicago, so, I want to be honest, it’s not as if it’s just Republicans who monkey around with elections…”.  He should know; he and his staff – or better stated, he and his handlers or controllers know full well the benefits of massive voter fraud and how he “won” with about 9 and a half million votes more than McCain.  The same thing should be said about the 2016 elections but let’s not forget the 2012 elections when the Kenyan propaganda machine may have won the popular vote legitimately, but that is still suspicious if real intents of the voters were presented.  He was loved by the left and the media and the unions and such, but the honest taxpaying Americans did not like him at all; and still do not.

It was the 2016 elections (or rather Selections) that take the prize home for most confusing results.  Everybody with any brains at all HATED the wicked witch (meant literally, not figuratively) queen of the Arkansas Mafia and the resultant loss in that election was in spite of massive fraud for her and NOT (as she claims) against her.  With such a commanding lead in every honest poll, Trump thoroughly trounced her even though the advertised results showed a very close finish.  The real polls and post voting analysis showed Trump won with incredible high margins, not the official and accepted slim ones presented later on.  And she was – or rather, is still PISSED about it.  She was guaranteed that job and the fraud machine failed to get the wanted results.

2020 proved that overkill is required to make that jump from detested idiot to president.  The numbers that were required to get some basement dwelling non-contestant into office over a greatly loved man of quality was truly earth shattering and miraculous in nature.  From about 20% to 80% real numbers to about a 220% (35 million to 81 million votes tallied) win is accomplished only with fantastical voter fraud.  And the evil machine still prosecutes any that dispute those claiming reality rather than the officially mandated lies.

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