Unprecedented Incompetence or Inside Job?


from Moonbattery:

There are three possible explanations for the Trump assassination attempt, which Big Tech and the media have attempted to delete from our memory: (1) thanks at least in part to DEI, the Secret Service has achieved levels of incompetence heretofore unimagined; (2) the Deep State let it happen through malicious apathy; or (3) the Deep State made it happen. Explanation #1 is losing ground as we learn more:

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Video, audio, and witness accounts show that more than two minutes before would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks shot former President Donald J. Trump, police knew he had a rifle on a warehouse building roof, yet the U.S. Secret Service said it was unaware of the gun before Crooks opened fire.

A timeline developed by U.S. Senate investigators, along with social media videos and eyewitness accounts, show there was plenty of time for the Secret Service to extract Trump from the rally stage before he was hit with a bullet from Crooks’ AR-15 rifle. …

new video posted to X on July 31— filmed by one of the rallygoers shot by Crooks — shows the gunman running across the roof of the AGR building then kneeling before dropping into a prone shooting position. It was all clearly visible from the event stage 130 yards away.

Crooks was able to get off eight shots. That he was even able to get up there with a rifle is astonishing.

A look at the timeline argues against mere incompetence. Authorities knew about Crooks well before Trump even got there, yet they did nothing to prevent the assassination attempt.

If agents had been told in advance not to interfere with Crooks, we are left with Explanation #3. This can be split into (3a) the hit originated within the Deep State or (3b) the hit was ordered by the White House. Whether we ever learn the truth depends on who prevails in the next election.

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