Germany Destroyed


by Hans Vogel, The Unz Review:

Germany lies in the center of Europe in more ways than one. Not only is it the geographical center, but all of European history seems to revolve around it. In German there is the term Mitteleuropa, which aptly conveys Germany’s pivotal role in Europe. To be honest, to some extent France and Italy also need to be considered part of that concept, especially those parts of France and Italy bordering on Germany. European civilization has essentially been shaped by Germany and those two “junior partners.”


From a holistic point of view, Germany’s central position may help to explain why during the past century the Anglo-Saxons (England and the US) have twice tried to destroy Germany, and with considerable success! Obviously, the US is not a European nation, except perhaps indirectly as a result of mass immigration from Europe. Nor is England, which is at best part of Europe’s periphery. Europe’s actual periphery consists of Scandinavia, Russia, the Iberian Peninsula, Southern Italy and the Balkans. England’s insular position physically and mentally sets it apart from Europe. After all it is well known that the inhabitants of any island, no matter how small, tacitly see themselves as the center of the universe. In a fundamental and very tangible sense, England’s geographical position gives it a separate status, rendering it a lot less European than it likes to pretend.

Together with its American ally and relying on the resources and manpower of its vast colonial empire, England has been a moving force behind the first two efforts to destroy Germany during World Wars I and II. The first, especially through the Versailles Diktat, resulted in the destruction of German military power, the second led to the destruction of its political power. On a continent where, since 1918 Fascism and National Socialism had apparently taken root quite firmly, Germany, on account of its economic and demographic weight, was once again the core element.

After Germany’s second defeat by the Red Army, the USSR made sure National Socialism was thoroughly eradicated. In the occupied western portions of Germany the Anglo-Americans set up an entire framework to prevent the Nazi party from resurrecting in any form whatsoever. Denazification of Western Germany was supervised by the US, with its extensive, well-developed propaganda (“PR”) agencies. Since about one in every ten Germans was a member of the Nazi party, the first step in this process was obvious: to declare the Nazi party illegal and to punish those who had been a member. Then to scrutinize those former party members and decide whom to kill (for “Crimes against Humanity”) and see who might be useful for rebuilding Germany according to US specifications. For both the US and the USSR it was crucial to avoid any confusion caused by any overlap and similarities between National Socialism and Fascism on the one hand, and Socialism (Communism) and Capitalism on the other. Thus the German Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany in the west were in a sense showcases for the empires they were part of as vassal states.

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