Pandemics: I Hope I’m Wrong


by SaraSue, Survival Blog:

Ever since the Plandemic hit the scene a few years back, I have been following dissenting medical voices.  I watched while they were silenced and banned for daring to disagree with the “regime” of the pharmaceutical industrial complex partnered with government and so-called “healthcare”.  Some were stripped of their medical licenses, others pushed out of practice, and some sued into oblivion.  It was shocking to me that our formerly “agree to disagree” society had stooped so low as to punish people, quite literally, for having a different opinion.  I had to pinch myself to see if I was in a dream where I lived in a Communist country.  That first year of the Plandemic was scary, in a way.  However, I personally was not terribly affected.  I was able to observe, research, and listen since I was tucked away in my well-stocked Idaho cabin.


From what I have researched and discovered, my fear, nay, belief, is that the Plandemic is not over.  We will need to be prepared for “disease X” (as if we didn’t have enough to prepare for).  My thoughts about this follow.

Covid-19 aftermath

In the beginning of it all, I decided to do my own research before taking the proposed injections and I did so by using Google Scholar to track down published medical studies associated with not just the covid virus already in circulation, but also the mRNA technology.  I decided after my own research, without consulting anyone, that the new technology was in actuality gene therapy.  And since I had survived chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer, I was quite familiar with how gene therapy, in the broad sense, worked.  I wanted no part of any gene therapy that might upset my fragile apple cart.  I conveyed to my very close family that I didn’t think it was wise to take part in the grand experiment.  I would say, half of them listened to me.  The other half did what their doctors and/or employers told them to do.  It was a terrible time.  I was proud of my adult children who stood their ground and refused to comply; one lost her job and never looked back.  So proud of that girl.

At first, I recall joining a group of women across the country who sewed cloth face masks for hospital personnel.  I sewed them for family members too.  I spent hours upon hours sewing face masks.  Until one day, I realized that a cloth was not going to contain something as small as a virus.  And, that the mask was going to trap, and hold, viruses and bacteria close to the mouth and nose of the person who wore it, thereby increasing risk.  I stopped sewing in disgust and chastised myself for being so ignorant and easily manipulated into a frenzy of action.  Everyone wanted to take some action, and I fell into that trap.

The other way that I was affected, since I lived fairly remotely, was that home deliveries were slowed down as the supply chain ground to a halt.  I was unable to see the doctor when I got a serious case of the flu (probably covid but never tested, and I will never be tested for it unless I’m unconscious).  Stores were requiring masks, as were restaurants, and I just decided to hole up and stay home rather than buy into the hysteria.  I was thankfully so well stocked up that I ignored it all.  I didn’t own a television, and still don’t, so I wasn’t inundated with the daily onslaught of hysteria.

Fast forward to today

In my family, extended family, and circle of acquaintances, there has been an astonishing number of “sudden deaths” of people in their prime, in the past two years.  All of these people had chosen the injection/booster route.  Without going into detail, and to maintain privacy, I will not describe this further.  I have been emotionally and spiritually shocked to the core at the increase in deaths where none should have occurred.  Healthy people, living their lives, struck down in their prime of life (heart failure, stroke, turbo cancer, neurological impairment, miscarriages, etc).  Even life insurance companies have published the statistics of an unbelievable rise in unexpected deaths across the globe.

As an aside:  I assume that all the recent increases in homeowners insurance, car insurance, and other insurance products is a result of the life insurance policy payouts that have occurred.  I could be totally wrong about that, but it seems like a logical guess.

More has come out about “gain of function” research, biological weapons labs in various places (i.e., Ukraine, Africa, even in the U.S.- California and North Carolina specifically), etc.  You know, the old create a virus (problem), and offer a treatment (solution), and get rich in the process.  But, even putting all that deviousness aside, the absolute imbecilic idea of mass vaccination with a new gene therapy product in the face of a pandemic was a terribly poor decision that has negatively affected millions upon millions of people.  The real problem now, is that the deaths will continue, so brace yourselves.

Simple Virology

No.  I’m not an expert, but I’m not stupid either.  One thing I learned over the great number of years in advanced education was to research properly.  But, this problem does not require advanced knowledge at all!  The simple truth about viruses is that when you put pressure on a virus (via vaccines), it morphs, it adapts, it changes, and can become more virulent.  Have you been paying attention to all the C19 variants?  Have you heard of “Long Covid”?  Have you noticed that highly vaccinated people seem to get Covid more often?  And it’s not just the virus itself that is the problem in a highly vaccinated population, it’s the injections, the gene therapy, the jabs themselves that are making matters much, much worse.

My layman’s understanding:  The injections have upended the natural human immune response to viruses.  I’m not just blabbering about what I don’t know about.  Research the immune system and its various parts (focus on IgG and its role in dealing with viruses and cancers, etc.). The injections (spike protein) have caused a shift in the immune system’s natural functioning (is this the result of gain of function research?).  The immune system is very complex, and perfectly designed by our Creator.  If it is damaged, there are ramifications that not a single person alive understands.  Even the smartest of the smart don’t fully understand God’s perfect creations.  They study it, but they don’t understand the complexity of it.  In short, the “new technology” impairs the natural immune system in hopes of combatting a virus.  And now they are talking about adding this new technology into the annual flu shot (which I never take anyway), oh and into lettuce?  Sometimes I think the world is run by mad scientists and we need to stay very far away from them.

You are here

So, here we are.  Many of us who rejected the experimental injections should not be feeling proud or self-satisfied.  Not one bit.  Because… there are people whom we love, who trusted the “authorities”, and went along with the program, who have died, who are suffering now, or will be.  Unless and until every single government worldwide rejects and bans these types of “modern pharmaceuticals”, there will be more death.

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