Kamala Harris Approves Farcical Venezuela Election


from Moonbattery:

The latest “election” in socialist Venezuela was such a sham, even the New York Times and moonbat weenie Antony Blinken were appalled.

Via Hot Air:

Blinkin was very clear, in diplomaticspeak at least, that the results were cooked. Almost everybody around the world agrees–exit polls showed that the opposition would score a massive victory, there are videos of thugs assaulting voters and stealing ballot boxes, and early returns were showing a massive loss for Maduro.

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Then, the government declared that Maduro won. It was obviously not true, and Venezuelans are now expressing their unhappiness in the only way possible: tearing down Maduro posters and billboards, and filling the streets.

Here’s what it looks like:

Once again Venezuela reminds us that you can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

Everybody knows the election was cooked, except one person: Kamala Harris.

This is truly alarming:

No really. It is alarming:

Prior to Maduro’s predecessor Hugo Chavez, Venezuela was the wealthiest country in Latin America. Since then, millions have escaped what has been reduced to a Marxist hellhole. The extreme poverty is government-inflicted; Venezuela is floating on an ocean of black gold.

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