Monday, October 21, 2024

Like the mafia, Democrats use bribery to buy elections


by Pastor Jeff Crippen, America Outloud:

Today’s Democratic party is much like the mafia of old – although I prefer that mafia to the Left of today. Let me explain.

If you have ever watched the Godfather movie series, you will remember that the mafia chief – the godfather – solidified his rule in a city or district by being a kind of problem solver to the people of his kingdom. The local politicians wouldn’t or couldn’t help, for instance, a widow who was about to lose her home. Or a small businessman whose livelihood was in jeopardy somehow. Before an election, the godfather might distribute some cash or gifts to voters who were encouraged to cast their ballots for the candidate owned by the godfather.


The people loved the godfather as a result. They kissed his hand. tells it:

“By August of 1986, John Gotti had become something of a local hero and icon in his Howard Beach neighborhood. When it came time to face trial for the racketeering charges, Gotti and the other defendants were acquitted of their crimes. FBI officials later discovered that the jury foreman fixed the verdict. It was a crushing defeat for law enforcement officials, and Gotti became the mob’s symbol of invincibility, earning the name “Teflon Don” because charges against him ‘just wouldn’t stick.’”

Similarly, records:

“Now a recognizable figure around New York City due to his headline-grabbing acquittals and penchant for impeccable suits and daily haircuts, Gotti was once reportedly asked if he disliked being referred to as the Dapper Don. “No, this is my public,” he said. ‘They love me.’”

But how could people love such a person? A killer. A corrupt, power-hungry mobster?

The answer is not complicated. They loved him and hated the law enforcement agencies who worked to arrest him. Why? Because the mobster won their votes and support by giving them things they wanted. My thesis is that the leftist democratic party uses the very same tactics to buy votes even though those voters know that this is a vote for the destruction of America. No matter. Give us the right to kill babies, promote perverted practices about gender to children, keep printing more dollars, and tear up our student debt notes….just give us the things we want, and we will give you our vote.

In other words, bribery is at the heart of the matter:

Exodus 23:8  And you shall take no bribe, for a bribe blinds the clear-sighted and subverts the cause of those who are in the right.

1 Samuel 8:3  Yet his sons did not walk in his ways but turned aside after gain. They took bribes and perverted justice.

Not only do we see leftist leaders taking bribes themselves, like the mafia, they use bribery to buy an election.

Now, I can hear these leftists protest with fangs out (they have their fangs out most of the time these days) – “Well, you on the right buy votes. You make promises to voters and they vote for you as a result!”

But I respond with this: A promise and a bribe are radically different things. A bribe, by its very definition, is something given in order to subvert the cause of what is right. A bribe perverts justice. A promise, in contrast, is freely given – not bought – and  it is a vow to promote justice. To deliver what is right.

For example, when the right promises to bring down energy prices, secure the borders of our nation, or restore law and order in our cities, these vows are freely given. They are for good things, not for evil. Voters who are still clear-sighted will give their vote to such a candidate because they yearn for what is right. Because they are thinking of the good of our country, not just for their individual personal benefit and just forget everyone else.

This is a big reason why it is so difficult to talk common sense with a person who has bought into (or been bought into) the delusions of the left –

1 Kings 22:21-22  Then a spirit came forward and stood before the LORD, saying, ‘I will entice him.’ (22)  And the LORD said to him, ‘By what means?’ And he said, ‘I will go out, and will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.’ And he said, ‘You are to entice him, and you shall succeed; go out and do so.’

A bribe affects the mind of the one who accepts it. Bribes blind a person’s reason. The one whose vote is bought by a bribe is a person sitting on a tree branch while that branch is being cut off. “Oh, never mind that our nation will be destroyed. This candidate will give me what I want.”

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