How the War Between America and Russia Started


by Eric Zuesse, The Duran:

The war between Russia and America started on 25 July 1945 and was initiated by President Truman’s decision on that date, to accept the advices from both his personal hero Eisenhower, and also UK’s Winston Churchill, that if the U.S. Government wouldn’t ultimately take over the entire world, then the Soviet Union would. I documented this in my 20 July 2024 “Why NATO Cannot Be (& Never Was) a DEFENSIVE Alliance”, where all of the primary evidences proving it can be clicked-through-to via that article’s links. As is clear from that evidence: Truman on that date reversed his predecessor FDR’s anti-imperialistic plan for the post-WW2 era, and set this country onto Truman’s plan for the entire world to consist of the U.S. Government and its colonies, especially to include the largest country, Russia.


However, even before that date, America’s aristocracy, its super-rich, who donate more than 50% of the money that fuels political campaigns in the U.S., were determined to reverse FDR’s plan to end imperialism and to instead remake America into the first-ever all-encompassing world empire; and the present article will document how they achieved this turnabout in the U.S. Government’s objective, and so created the world that we live in today.

First, here is the background from which the appointment for Truman to become FDR’s 1944 Vice Presidential running-mate can be accurately understood. To start with, I shall quote a passage from Jeff Greenfield’s terrific 10 July 2016 “The Year the Veepstakes Really Mattered” in Politico:

As the 1944 convention neared, there was no real doubt about who the Democratic presidential nominee would be. Franklin Delano Roosevelt had faced serious opposition in 1940 when he broke the “no third term” tradition that began with George Washington, but in the midst of a global war, there was little appetite for ousting the commander in chief. Besides, the Republicans had nominated 42-year old New York Governor Thomas Dewey, who brought to the campaign his reputation as a liberal reformer and had picked popular Ohio Governor John Bricker as his running mate. The GOP ticket was formidable; FDR, the Democratic powers thought, was the only candidate who could stop them.

That much, they agreed on. There was, however, deep division over who Roosevelt should choose as his running mate — and for a reason that far transcended the normal political arguments: FDR was dying.

It was a conviction held by a wide variety of people who had come in contact with Roosevelt — none of which was revealed to the public.

In choosing his running mate, they were picking the next president. And the public had no idea that this was so.

In March 1944, Dr. Howard Bruenn examined the president at the request of FDR’s physician. Bruenn wrote that Roosevelt was “a drawn, gray, and exhausted individual, who became short of breath on the very slightest exertion. The examination of his eyes revealed some changes due to arteriosclerosis and hypertension.” Other medical experts agreed. In early July, a few weeks before the national convention, a team of doctors studied Roosevelt. One of those doctors, Frank Lahey, wrote a memo to FDR’s primary-care physician, stating flatly: “I did not believe that if Mr. Roosevelt were elected president again, he had the physical capacity to complete a term. … It was my opinion that over the four years of another term with its burdens, he would again have heart failure and be unable to complete it.”

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