The Values That Made Western Society Great Came From The Bible


by Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog:

Right now there is a tremendous amount of debate about what values our society should embrace.  There are some that are promoting the benefits of “conservative values”, there are some that are promoting the benefits of “liberal values”, and there are others that are promoting the benefits of other types of values.  But if we really want to make western society great again, the truth is that we should return to the values that made western society great in the first place.  Those values are the reason why western nations were the most prosperous and most civilized nations on the entire planet for centuries.  And once other nations started adopting those same values, they became more prosperous and more civilized too.


The values that I am talking about are the values that we find in the Bible.

All throughout history, civilizations that have chosen to do things God’s way have been blessed.

And civilizations that have chosen not to do things God’s way have been cursed.

Just consider the United States.  It was founded by people that loved the Bible, and throughout our history it was primarily made up of people that loved the Bible.

Of course that has changed in our day, and as a result our society is now a giant mess.

But at one time we were the most blessed nation on the entire planet by a wide margin, and that didn’t happen by accident.

Centuries of experience have taught us that capitalist countries tend to be more prosperous than countries that practice various forms of collectivism.

A lot of people tend to think of socialism and communism as relatively modern movements, but the truth is that there have been collectivist societies for thousands of years.

In fact, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were both greatly inspired by hunter-gatherer societies that practiced “primitive communism”

Primitive communism is a way of describing the gift economies of hunter-gatherers throughout history, where resources and property hunted or gathered are shared with all members of a group in accordance with individual needs. In political sociology and anthropology, it is also a concept (often credited to Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels), that describes hunter-gatherer societies as traditionally being based on egalitarian social relations and common ownership.[1] A primary inspiration for both Marx and Engels were Lewis H. Morgan‘s descriptions of “communism in living” as practised by the Haudenosaunee of North America.[2] In Marx’s model of socioeconomic structures, societies with primitive communism had no hierarchical social class structures or capital accumulation.[3]

Needless to say, societies that practiced “primitive communism” never became great.

But even today, there are primitive tribes all over the globe that practice various forms of collectivism.

It doesn’t work, but they still keep on trying.

Of course the same principles also don’t work when entire modern nations try them.

In the Bible, from the very beginning we see buying, we see selling, and we see property rights being respected.

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