American Pravda: Richard Nixon and the Jews


by Ron Unz, The Unz Review:

The stated purpose of our alternative media website is to provide convenient access to “interesting, important, and controversial perspectives largely excluded from the American mainstream media.” In fulfillment of this mission, we regularly cover highly-controversial topics only rarely presented in other publications, while also moderating the resulting discussions with a very light hand. As an inevitable consequence of these two related policies, we attract a very wide variety of readers and commenters, ranging from the extremely erudite to the totally deranged.


No better example of this exists than in our candid coverage of Jews and Jewish issues, widely regarded as deadly “third rail” topics, and therefore avoided or carefully circumscribed by the vast majority of other publications or websites. Since commenters with extreme or obsessive views on such Jewish matters tend to be banned almost everywhere else, they naturally gravitate to our relatively unrestricted platform, both for good and for ill.

This situation was illustrated a couple of weeks ago when I published a very long article mostly focused on the career of President Richard Nixon, his relationship with his rival and predecessor John F. Kennedy, and the Watergate scandal that ultimately drove him from office.

Although my analysis ran nearly 17,000 words, there was barely a single mention anywhere of Jews or Jewish issues because I didn’t consider them at all relevant to what I was discussing.

Some commenters took strong exception to that appraisal, insisting that Nixon was known to have been a fiercely anti-Jewish political figure and as a result, “the Jews” had used the Watergate scandal to destroy him. I sharply disputed those claims and some of my critics responded with a vast amount of material in support of their conspiratorial thesis.

Few of those commenters held mainstream opinions on most issues, but in this particular case, their view of Nixon closely coincided with what was presented in leading mainstream media organs. For example, Googling the phrase “Nixon anti-Semitism” produces a huge outpouring of major articles led by a 1999 Washington Post story entitled “New Tapes Reveal Depth of Nixon’s Anti-Semitism” while an article in the New York Times took a similar position. A couple of years later, additional Nixon tapes were released, and a long article in Slate further denounced Nixon for the horrific views revealed by the secret tapes of his private conversations, with the first sentence indicating what followed in the remainder of the piece:

Richard Nixon’s reputation as a hateful, vindictive anti-Semite was reinforced late last month when the National Archives, which has been releasing the 3,700 hours of Nixon’s tape-recorded White House conversations in installments since 1996, dropped another batch.

On controversial subjects, Wikipedia usually reflects the official, establishmentarian view of reality, and another top link that came up in my Google search was a Wikipedia page describing Nixon’s plans to purge Jews from portions of the federal bureaucracy, which a writer in Slate described as “the last known act of official anti-Semitism conducted by the United States government.”

Although I only explored a half-dozen or so of those top search results, I’m sure that I could have easily found many scores or even hundreds of mainstream media articles taking that same position and denouncing Nixon as a vicious and notorious “anti-Semite.” Thus, the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the rest of our mainstream media outlets fully agreed with the many fiercely anti-Jewish commenters on our website: Richard Nixon hated Jews.

If that had been the case, it’s hardly implausible that they hated him back and then used the Watergate scandal to drive him from power. After all, the two publications that had led the campaign to uncover the facts and oust him—the Post and the Times—were both Jewish owned and heavily Jewish-staffed, while the same was also true of many of the broadcast outlets that also played such an important role, including the CBS and NBC television networks. Carl Bernstein and Seymour Hersh were merely two of the many Jewish journalists who spearheaded the media’s Watergate investigation.

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