Russian Missiles Off Alaska? How Moscow Can Respond to US’ Short-Sighted Euromissile Plans


from Sputnik News:

The Russian Foreign Ministry has promised to “calibrate [its] responses” to US plans to deploy new offensive missile capabilities in Germany “without any internal constraints” in terms of what arms to place and when and where to place them to ensure Russia’s security. A leading European military observer lays out the options at Russia’s disposal.


Moscow has a wide array of options when it comes to responding to the US decision to deploy offensive Tomahawk cruise and hypersonic missiles in Germany, says Swedish Armed Forces veteran and political and military observer Mikael Valtersson.
“This move by the US and Germany will of course be met by a Russian response,” Valtersson told Sputnik, saying he believes Russia could start off by deploying “new dual-use missiles in the Kaliningrad region and maybe also in Belarus.”

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