Super PAC Donors Will Withhold Millions If Biden Stays in the Race


by R. Cort Kirkwood, The New American:

Though President Biden didn’t completely fail in his highly anticipated post-NATO Summit news conference last night, as he did during his debate with former President Donald Trump, he didn’t do what he needed to do.

Although he seemed to be in command of basic facts about foreign policy, two big gaffes immediately raised concerns. He confused Ukrainian strongman Volodymyr Zelensky with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Vice President Kamala Harris with Trump.

More Democrats have now called for him to quit the race, and moneybags donating to the top Biden super PAC have vowed to withhold almost $100 million in contributions if he doesn’t drop out.


Super PAC Trouble

The New York Times reported about the defecting donors today. They promise to not contribute $90 million to Future Forward, the premier Biden super PAC.

“The frozen contributions include multiple eight-figure commitments, according to [sources] who spoke on the condition of anonymity given the sensitivity of the situation,” the Times reported.

As well, “The cash freeze comes as some advisers around Mr. Biden are discussing how to persuade the president to exit the race, and as his campaign has begun to test Vice President Kamala Harris in head-to-head surveys of voters against former President Donald J. Trump”:

The number of congressional Democrats calling for Mr. Biden to step aside is growing by the day.

The potential shortfall in super PAC cash comes as the campaign itself is bracing for a rough July fund-raising period as major donors question Mr. Biden’s viability to win in November.

But those renegade Democratic donors aren’t Biden’s only problems.

More Democrats Worry

Three more Democratic congressmen defected and said Biden had to quit.

“All I can do is look at the numbers right now — no president has ever won with a 37% approval rating. Look at the swing states, because this is a race that is decided in five or six states,” Representative Jim Himes of Connecticut told CNN. “Imagine that three months from now, we get another performance like there was in the debate, right before the election. Do you want to take that risk now? I don’t.”

Continued Himes:

This needs to be resolved in the next five to seven days, because we just went 10 days where the story was not Donald Trump promising totalitarianism. It was, “How is Joe Biden going to do in the Big Boy press conference?”

In another statement, the Times reported, Himes said “the 2024 election will define the future of American democracy, and we must put forth the strongest candidate possible to confront the threat posed by Trump’s promised MAGA authoritarianism. I no longer believe that is Joe Biden.”

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