Coal: God’s Gift to Humanity for Cheap Energy, or Climate Destroying “Fossil” Fuel?


by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News:

Today we are featuring an article published last week by Dr. John Gideon Hartnett titled: “Coal, the Creator’s Providential Provision.”

Dr. Hartnett is an Australian scientist who holds a PhD in physics from The University of Western Australia, and has gained international recognition for developing the world’s most precise clock, the cryogenic sapphire oscillator (CSO). (Source.)

He is a frequent critic of the climate change and “green energy” junk science.


In this recent article he blows away the modern pseudo-scientific teaching on coal, and shows where coal came from, and how abundant it is as a cheap energy source.

As I have previously reported in the past about the development and use of petroleum-based energy sources, the use of these cheap energy sources is RISING around the world, in spite of the rhetoric of politicians stating that they are reducing these “fossil” fuels, (See: The Myth of “Fossil Fuels” and the Myth that the U.S. is Transitioning Away from Oil to “Green” Energy) production and use of coal worldwide is also INCREASING, not decreasing, especially in China, India, and Southeast Asia.

Here is a report that is over a year old now, but still reflects current market conditions on coal:


Coal, the Creator’s Providential Provision


A coal seam is clearly seen here where coal mining is actively going on.

Coal was providentially provided to mankind by the Creator. The climate cultist God-deniers hate the Creator for providing almost an unquantifiable amount of fossil fuel coal, which they falsely claim if burned would catastrophically warm the planet and boil the oceans.

by John Gideon Hartnett
Bible Science Forum

Coal was providentially provided to mankind by the Creator of the universe. The climate cultist God-deniers hate the Creator for providing almost an unquantifiable amount of fossil fuel coal, which they claim if burned would catastrophically warm the planet and boil the oceans.

The latter claim is scientific nonsense. Below I’ll show you why.

The climate cult claims are based on a false religious belief system. That belief system includes the idea that the planet Earth is nearly 5 billion years old since it allegedly formed from a nebula cloud of molecular hydrogen gas by natural processes. That belief alone is scientifically impossible.

After the Earth cooled, it is further alleged that life arose by an unknown unguided process, and evolved by Darwinian evolution, and for the last billion years, plants grew and died. Some were slowly covered in sediments and were eventually fossilised becoming coal some tens of millions of years ago. This also is pure fictional story-telling. Massively thick coal seams, like shown above, refute this fairy tale.

The standard uniformitarian origin-of-coal story has no foundation in science. Fossilation can only occur under rapid catastrophic processes. Dead plants rot when exposed to oxygen, which comprises about 20% of the atmosphere. Fossilisation does not occur gradually with slow sedimentation. All present observations tell us that this is true. No fossilation of plants or animals occurs today by gradual processes, but only by catastrophic burial.

Rapid burial means oxidation is significantly reduced. The carbon atoms bound in organic molecules in the buried vegetation is reduced to pure carbon in the oxygen deprived environment under high temperature and pressure.

Fossilation and the Deluge


Noah’s ark was a survival vehicle for air breathing land animals during the year the flood waters covered the Earth.

The biblical record describes the conditions necessary for such massive fossilisation across the whole planet. About 4500 years ago the Earth was inundated with a catastrophic totally-global flood, such as has never been experienced before or since. That flood buried all the vegetation of the planet under kilometers of water-born sediments.

Many ancient texts report on this great flood event, though the details often have been lost over time. The best available record is recorded in the first book of the Bible. The Genesis record tells us that the flood waters rose to a height covering the highest mountains. Read the account in Genesis chapters 7 and 8.

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