by Joseph P. Farrell, Giza Death Star:

It’s the day after independence day in the USSA, and I have to wonder, when reading stories like the following one shared by V.T., just exactly why we’re celebrating:

Idaho farmers being fined $300 PER ACRE for watering crops… engineered FAMINE now under way

Now, I hope you’re paying close attention to what is actually being said in the first two paragraphs of this article, because we’re following our usual methodology of assuming it to be true for the sake of argument and high octane speculation:


Idaho farmers are speaking out about the state’s unreasonable and disastrous water curtailment orders that threaten their very existence. The Idaho Department of Water Resources has issued a sweeping curtailment order affecting tens of millions of acres of farmland across the state. The state is threatening independent farmers with $300 fines per acre for watering their crops with their own wells.

This move comes at a time when water resources are stable across the state, so there appears to be a deliberate move to sabotage independent farmers, while artificially causing water shortages that will takedown hay, potato and dairy farms across the state. These outrageous curtailment orders will upend the livelihoods of countless farmers — a move that will have a ripple effect through Idaho’s economy and push food prices higher across the United States.

If one has read those two paragraphs closely, it is not the elected officials of the state government in Boise doing this, it is rather that state’s “deep state,” the unelected bureaucrats, that are imposing the measure. One may assume, again for the sake of argument, that that state’s “deep state” and permanent bureaucracy suffers from the same pattern of disease the deep state of the entire country is afflicted with: a radicalized (and probably leftist “progressive”) bureaucracy utterly devoid of human feeling for, much less of knowledgable experience or connection with, those whom it regulates, in this case, Idaho farmers.  And as the article avers, the farmers are rightly alarmed.

However, I suspect there may be a hidden agenda here, and if I’m correct, it’s a very clever one.

Idaho has a very well-deserved reputation for being “conservative” or, to be more accurate, “traditional.” In recent years we’ve seen various leftist organizations attempting to “protest” in that state in a manner similar to their protests elsewhere, which protests were according to the “jounralists” covering them on TV  “mostly peaceful” as rioters burned and looted in the background. You might recall that “protestors” from the State of Washington were met in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho  by locals who were, quite literally, armed for bear and ready to ensure that the protestors did not degenerate into the “mostly peaceful” mobs seen on news reports back then. That state’s most famous politician, U.S. Senator Frank Church, was also from this tradition, as he chaired the famous Church Committee US Senate hearings on CIA (deep state) abuses, and issued public warning after public warning about its potential to ruin America’s freedoms. Were he alive today I have no doubt that he would be as appalled at the policy-making of unelected bureaucrats in his own state as he was about the policy-making of unelected intelligence bureaucrats in Swampington, D.C., and would be squarely on the side of Idaho’s farmers.

But as I said, I suspect there’s a hidden agenda here, and that it’s a very clever one.

In recent years, if you’ve been following the news closely, you will perhaps have heard that there are many upset farmers and locals in the neighboring state of Oregon, whose rural populations are, quite simply, sick and tired and fed up with the progressivism of of that state’s capital in Salem, and the progressivism of that state’s largest city, Portland, a kind of northern outpost “San Franfreakshow”, or San Fransicko, or whatever that once-fine city in Nuttyfornia used to be.  State policy, for these people in Oregon, is largely dictated by the cities in the Cascade corridor: Portland, Salem, Grant’s Pass, Eugene. And accordingly, just as in its southern neighbor Nuttyfornia, the rural and more conservative or traditional counties want out, out of the state, that is, and have proposed becoming part of Idaho, in a “Greater Idaho”.   The movement has grown gradually, and does not appear to be going away any time soon.

However: what if, having become fed up with the progressivist nonsense of Salem and Portland, these rural Oregon counties were suddenly made aware of equal nuttiness from the progressivist bureaucrats in Boise?

Answer, the impetus for such a move would, at the very least, be weakened and perhaps even permanently blunted. And, for the progressivist bureaucrats in Boise contemplating a sudden potential influx of even more plebian peasants from Oregon… well, better to head that off at the pass by treating your own peasants like…er…uhm… peasants.

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