The Emperor has no mind: The scripted “overthrow” of Biden


by Joaquin Flores, Strategic Culture:

The first 2024 U.S. Presidential debate between incumbent Joe Biden and challenger Donald Trump was, in itself, somewhat uneventful. It was the aftermath which gave us the big surprise which now dominates headlines across the country – Democrats want Joe Biden to drop out.

The uneventfulness of the debate itself runs contrary to the current buzz in the corporate-owned legacy media, but it is an important truth to remember as we try to parse out what indeed is the strategy of the American political elite for Election Day come November.


Besides the hilarious exchange between a mumbling bumbling Biden and an uber-confident Trump over declared height and golf handicaps, both candidates performed as we had expected. And therein lies the rub.

Biden performed at least as well, if not better, than anything we’ve seen in the past two years, perhaps the past four. The week-long break at Camp David which Biden enjoyed, no doubt under medical supervision and with a whole team of personal trainers reminiscent of Ivan Drago’s entourage, was probably a successful intervention. We can imagine the scene at Camp David: Hard facts being dished out by Biden in training (like Drago’s 2100 psi punches), interrupted by long syringes into his arm filled with Risperidone (instead of anabolic steroids).

Does Biden clearly have dementia? Yes. Has it been known for years? Yes. Was this among Biden’s top performances in the past four years? Also, yes. Risperidone is a wonder-drug for controlling psychotic and dissociative episodes associated with Alzheimer’s, but its side effects include the very Parkinsonism that we so often see with him.

So what’s going on inside America’s deep state, or the DNC, or among the donor class, or the CIA, or any and all of the above? This is the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question.

If there was anything like a surprise, it was the performance given by Donald Trump. He was polite, unobtrusive, and lacking in the over-the-top sardonicism which most definitely characterized his approaches in both the 2016 and 2020 debates. It was perhaps aimed at the very demographic which, in the present year, are ‘undecided’ voters. The odd debate rules which cut off the mic of the candidate ‘not allowed to speak’ absolutely aided Trump, (even though by most accounts it had been put in place to assist Biden), and perhaps this factor also played a role in the ‘taming’ of Trump.

Now these undecided voters are themselves a strange lot, which almost certainly guarantees that they are in the very category which concerned citizens would almost like to see banned from voting, or at the very least, pass a literacy test. As Americans, we have already had four years of Trump, and four years of Biden. If any would-be customer at the ice-cream line is still asking for tiny pink plastic spoon samples of either candidate, perhaps it’s just that ice-cream categorically isn’t for them, and they ought to stay home.

Be that as it may, Trump came off cool-headed, and collected. Naturally, both candidates are prone to cite figures and statistics which reflect particular ways of parsing the numbers, that in turn may or may not be genuine reflections of actual reality.

It wasn’t a surprise that senile Biden had difficulties remembering figures, facts, arguments, proper nouns, and English syntax, throughout the debate. Or that he would simply blank out at times, mouth agape, spittle forming at the corners, looking confusedly at his podium, his shoes, or imaginary objects in his periphery.

The insufferable Cenk Uygur, an unconvincing actor cum two-bit salesman, went so far as to blame CNN for using a split screen when Trump was speaking. This is because as Trump was speaking, instead of just cutting to/framing Trump, they continued to show the candidates side-by-side.

Cenk wasn’t upset that we have an unfit president, but that CNN didn’t bother to hide it. It was reminiscent of the ongoings in abusive households when the abusers want the surrounding community to think everything at home is kosher.

CNN, by the way, is a strange media organization in its relationship with Trump. A recording released by CIA asset/operative Tucker Carlson a few years ago revealed CNN’s then-president Jeff Zucker referred to Trump as ‘the boss’ in a phone call with Trump fixer, Michael Cohen as far back as 2016.

This suggested different things to different people, and could mean on the one hand that Trump was just another establishment politician, or, on the other, that there was indeed a split in the establishment and that counter-hegemonic forces up-high were backing Trump from within, i.e., “patriots are in control.” The hyper-reality simulacrum in the U.S. these days is certainly off the charts.

CNN’s high-intensity, unrelenting denunciations and paranoia over Trump over the years, which even made MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow blush, had the “reverse” (i.e. predictable) effect of launching Trump to hero status, or at least helping him considerably along the way. It’s almost as if the blowback was the goal.

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