Pandemic Response Most Demoralizing Event in U.S. History


by John Leake, Courageous Discourse.:

For a large percentage of the populace, trust in the U.S. government was totally destroyed by the official pandemic response.

There’s a funny scene in Robert Graves’s great novel, I, Claudius, when the son of a German chieftain who has been recruited by the Roman army gets into a shouting match with his brother, who stands at the head of a German army on the opposite side of the river from the Roman army. The brothers are reduced to an exchange of personal insults that culminates with the loyal German accusing his Romanized brother of breaking their mother’s heart.


I’ve often thought of this scene in recent years as I’ve watched the American people divide into roughly two opposing camps that can’t agree on anything and generally regard each other with mutual incomprehension and contempt.

I believe I have done a fairly decent job maintaining cordial relations with old friends and even family members who stand on the other side of the river. On a few occasions, a few have asked me why the camp in which I find myself has lost faith in the U.S. government and mainstream media.

I reply that my disillusionment began with the fraudulent Forever Wars of the Bush administration. This was followed by revelations of gigantic fraud in the aftermath of the Financial Crisis of 2008, and then the Federal Reserve back-door bailouts (with the Newspeak name “Quantitative Easing”) of the big banks that caused the crisis in the first place.

Then came the spectacularly fraudulent Russian Collusion Hoax in 2016, and then the impeachment of Donald Trump in 2020 for actions he took to investigate the dodgy business activities of Joe and Hunter Biden in Ukraine in 2014-15.

All of the above were demoralizing enough, but then came the official COVID-19 pandemic response in which we were treated to the following:

1). Lab creation of SARS-CoV-2.

2). Fraudulent concealment of the virus’s true origin.

3). Suppression of early treatment to pave the way for the rapid rollout of COVID-19 vaccines.

4). Totally useless but extremely destructive lockdowns in order to pave the way for the rapid COVID-19 vaccine rollout.

5). Nihilistic hospital protocols that killed people with Remdesivir, the withholding of useful drugs, and the inappropriate use of ventilators.

6). Fraudulent claims about COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and safety.

7). Mandates for ineffective and dangerous COVID-19 vaccines.

8). Fraudulent concealment of COVID-19 vaccine side effects and injuries.

In other words, the official pandemic response was the apotheosis of a demoralizing process that began about twenty years earlier. At this point, I struggle mightily to believe anything the U.S. government or mainstream media tells me. This mental state may be best characterized as a total loss of faith.

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