In 2014 a former Nokia technology chief blew the whistle about harms caused by mobile phone use


by Rhoda Wilson, Expose News:

In 2014, the Finnish newspaper Satakunnan Kansa posted an article about a former Nokia technology chief who said that mobile phones had wrecked his health.  He went on to express his concerns about children using mobile phones and the culture of fear and silence within the company that prohibited staff openly speaking about the health risks.

The Satakunnan Kansa article is no longer available online; you can find a copy archived on the Wayback Machine HERE and the blog ‘Between a Rock and a Hard Place’ uploaded an English version of the article on the same day it was published in 2014.


Nokia’s former Technology Chief for ten years, Matti Niemelä, was involved in the development the world’s first mobile phones, memory sticks and WLAN [Wi-Fi] connections.

In 2007, Niemelä’s career hit a brick wall as his health finally failed. Today, he is only able to move using a walker. Niemelä refuses to use a wheelchair. He is one of the unfortunate who have experienced severe symptoms of radiation, the Finnish newspaper said at the time.

Traveling around the world with a communicator, an early model smartphone, in hand, exposure to radiation was very strong from morning to night, and even at night. Few people have had such an overload of radiation than me, said Niemelä.

The first symptoms appeared already within a year of his employment at Nokia. At first Niemelä didn’t dare go to the doctor, mainly because of the fear of brain cancer. The symptoms got worse year by year.

In 2001, MRI images, and cerebrospinal fluid samples revealed the brutal truth: multiple sclerosis (“MS”).

According to Niemelä, medical representatives weren’t willing to take a position on whether mobile phone radiation caused his MS. Preliminary results, however, showed that radiation increases the risk of MS.

“I am a layman, not a doctor. MS is certainly caused by a number of factors, not just mobile-phone radiation. The radiation does, however, increase my MS symptoms,” he said.

Also, symptoms of the disease may easily be confused with the mobile-phone radiation symptoms, Niemelä explained.

Although Niemelä had lost his health, career and more recently his marriage, he did not blame anyone.  “I’m not bitter, it was my own choice to work for Nokia,£ he said.

He also didn’t want to scare too many about cell phone dangers.  “A healthy person can use a mobile phone responsibly,” he said.

Niemelä, admitted that going public with his story carried a big risk.  “I’m scared to talk about this in public because I do not want to be labelled as crazy.”

Niemelä explains that the subject of mobile phone radiation has always been kept silent at Nokia.  “You couldn’t talk about it within the company. Yet, among the staff, it was speculated whether the radiation could cause damage. However, no one dared to bring it up, because it could get them fired.”

Niemelä says he brought up the matter with the doctor for the first time in 2006.  “The doctor told me about a number of patients who are suffering from the same symptoms as me,” Niemelä revealed.

Niemelä is particularly concerned about the children and their mobile phone use, because the continuous exposure to the ear and head does not do any good. “These things have been kept silent for too long. I hope it will become possible to discuss the symptoms openly, and without fear.”

Mobile phone manufacturer Nokia and Microsoft’s current Senior Vice President Tom Kuuppelomäki assured that all products meet the requirements set by international health bodies and standards. “Product safety is of paramount importance both for Nokia and Microsoft,” he said. “The World Health Organisation has looked at a number of studies, from the last two decades, with the aim to determine whether mobile-phones pose a potential health risk.”

Kuuppelomäki insisted that to date (18 October 2014), studies have not demonstrated adverse health effects from mobile phone use.

How will the health effects be studied in the future? WHO has made recommendations for further research on electromagnetic fields to enable a thorough risk assessment, the Finnish newspaper said.

Two days later, on 20 October 2014, Between a Rock and a Hard Place posted a second blog. “The jury is still out on whether cell phone radiation might contribute to the development of multiple sclerosis. Too few studies have been done to confirm or to dismiss the claim of causal link. However, I found an interesting twist to the story of Matti Niemelä, Nokia and multiple sclerosis,” the blog author said.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place quoted from an article published by RCR Wireless on 4 June 2001 which described patents owned by Nokia that tie the invention being patented to mobile phone health-related risks.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place commented on the extracts above: “All the patents were taken by Nokia and other manufacturers at the same time when, and still, manufacturers continue to assure users that there are only thermal effects of radiation are non-thermal effects do not exist. Based on these claims, manufacturers, in concert with ICNIRP, ICES and WHO, claim that cell phone users, no matter how old or young, no matter of how healthy or sick, are all perfectly protected from any health effects of cell phone radiation. Just as a reminder, cell phone safety standards used by manufacturers and developed by ICNIRP are from year 1998!”

Have the standards recommended by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (“ICNIRP”) been updated since 2014?  Not according to a paper published on 18 October 2022.  The abstract stated:

Shockingly, Radio Waves, an online publication for telecommunications and digital service provider Orange, states on its website:

Orange also states that “to reflect any uncertainties and to have a safety margin, a safety factor of 50 is applied [to 4 W/kg for the entire body and 100 W/kg for the head and torso], so as to define the limit values of public exposure, namely 0.08 W/kg for whole body, and 2 W/kg for head and chest.”

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