Big Government Helps Delivery Drivers


from Moonbattery:

Reagan was right. The scariest thing you could hear is “I’m from the Government, and I’m here to help.” Here’s how the Big Government liberals running Seattle help delivery drivers:

Delivery drivers for UberEats, DoorDash, and other delivery services in Seattle saw nearly half of their business disappear compared to the same time last year after the city did them a favor and required a $4.99 delivery fee on all orders.

The money was supposed to go to the drivers. But it didn’t go anywhere, because customers didn’t spend it. Fees and tips add up. They opted to cook their own food.


It isn’t just Seattle:

In New York, the same predictable results are happening after the city jumped the minimum wage for delivery drivers to $19.56 per hour (up from an average of $5.39 per hour).

So predictable are these results that it is hard to believe they are not intentional. The purpose of minimum wage is to drive up unemployment so as to benefit the Party of the Welfare State.

On a tip from ABC of the ANC.

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