Nolte: Cost of Living in Democrat-Run California Creates Exodus of Film/TV Workers


by John Nolte, Breitbart:

The far-left Los Angeles Times writes of an exodus of film and TV workers from Los Angeles, but misses one crucial point—well, two.

“Los Angeles has long been a magnet for those chasing their big break in film and TV, drawn by the allure of creative fulfillment and fame,” writes the Times. “But conversations about a growing exodus are getting louder, as escalating housing costs and dwindling career opportunities push many to pursue their dreams elsewhere.”


“The city’s entertainment industry workforce has been rocked by a series of unprecedented shocks, from a global pandemic to last summer’s double labor strikes by writers and actors,” adds the Times. “As the streaming boom has faded, entertainment companies have hemorrhaged jobs, and networks, studios, and streamers have pared back their programming slates.”

This industry-wide slowdown coupled with the “still high….cost of living in L.A.” means “many have simply been unable, or unwilling, to continue to tough it out in a city where rents have risen and home prices linger at an all-time high.”


The Times then focuses on three people who have fled, people who had been making a pretty good living in some form of movie or TV or video production.

If there’s a single theme in these three stories, it’s that everyone cannot cover insanely high rent costs.

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