Election Validity Group Files Landmark Lawsuit in Pennsylvania


by Jack Gleason, American Thinker:

United Sovereign Americans, Inc., a nonpartisan, all-volunteer election validity advocate group, and two Pennsylvania residents have filed a Writ of Mandamus, directed to Pennsylvania’s Secretary of the Commonwealth, the Bureau of Elections, the Bureau of Election Security and Technology, the Department of State, and the state Attorney General.

They have also named Attorney General Merrick Garland and the United States Department of Justice as additional “Respondents.”

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They are claiming that the officials named above are not performing their duty to follow existing laws that safeguard our elections.

“A writ of mandamus is a judicial remedy in the English and American common law system consisting of a court order that commands a government official or entity to perform an act it is legally required to perform as part of its official duties, or to refrain from performing an act the law forbids it from doing. Writs of mandamus are usually used in situations where a government official has failed to act as legally required or has taken a legally prohibited action.”

The Petitioners assert, “The Congress of the United States has outlined the minimum standards which must be maintained by every state in order for a federal election to be considered reliable. As outlined below, in Pennsylvania’s 2022 federal election those minimum standards were not met by commonwealth election officials rendering the certified election results that year unreliable. Respondents in their official capacities engaged in insufficient efforts to ensure that the 2022 performance is not repeated in subsequent federal elections beginning in 2024.”

These standards include:

  • only properly registered voters cast votes
  • only votes properly cast are counted correctly
  • all voting systems are compliant with all critical infrastructure requirements and every ballot is correctly and uniformly processed, as well as accurately tabulated and secured
  • the authenticity of every ballot counted is proven by the maintenance of a comprehensive, unbroken chain of custody from the voter’s hand to the final certified result, and the Commonwealth election officials maintain records of said chain of custody post-election
  • certification of future elections is understood to be an official act under penalty of perjury.

“The certification by Pennsylvania officials of the 2022 election was done despite the integrity of the election being suspect on account of apparent error rates occurring in that election that exceeded the error rate Congress permits before federal election results cannot be relied upon as accurate, and the Commonwealth did nothing to investigate those apparent errors before certifying the election.”

They cite “the fact that Pennsylvania’s voter registration rolls, contained hundreds of thousands of potential errors at the time of the 2022 General Election… in the form of illegal duplicate registrations, voters with invalid or illogical voter history, voters placed in inactive statuses on questionable authority, backdated registrations, registrations with a modified date prior to registration, invalid or illogical registration dates, age discrepant registrants, and registrants with questionable addresses.”

They conclude, “Such errors jeopardize the validity of elections throughout the Commonwealth, bring doubt as to the accuracy and integrity of the Commonwealth’s currently-in-place voting systems, undermine Pennsylvanian’s collective voting rights, all in violation of existing state and federal election laws.”

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