Here’s how the US-UK-UA-EU-NATO Nuclear Terror Group plans to trigger World War III…..


from State Of The Nation:

It should be obvious to every attentive geopolitical analyst that the Western powers are dead set on starting World War III at a time and in a place of their choosing. As follows:

However, now we have a whistleblower/insider from the UK Parliament providing anecdotal proof of how the Western nuclear terrorists will trigger the next world war between the Zio-Anglo-American Axis and the BRICS Alliance.


The following excerpt was taken from a video of an interview with UK MP Andrew Bridgen.  It ought to be taken very seriously, especially in view of what the US-UK-NATO terrorist organization has already perpetrated against Russia under the cover of the war in Ukraine.

British Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen is warning the world that NATO is planning to launch
a false flag attack on a European city using a nuclear “dirty bomb” and to put the blame on Russia.

Bridgen says he is receiving information from defense analysts in military intelligence who have told him there is plenty of nuclear material floating around from Ukraine.
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