The Western Mainstream Press – Just Want War


by Martin Armstrong, Armstrong Economics:

COMMENT: Marty: Hello from the UK across the pond. Nigel Farage has come out and said what you have been reporting all along – that the West started this war. You can certainly tell you are friends.

REPLY: It is interesting how little intelligence exists in the mainstream media. There are just no independent thinkers and certainly no investigative journalists left. Mainstream has chased them all out. Or is it that they are just taking orders like the Nazis insisted at Nuremberg? All you have to do is look at the press reporting in 2014. It was the UNELECTED government installed by Victoria Nuland and her Neocons, who then directed them to attack the Donbas to draw in Putin.


Ukraine Attacks Donbas 4 23 2014

Here, the Associated Press states at the beginning, “Ukraine’s acting President,” meaning unelected since the Ukrainian people NEVER voted for war. Ukraine had just gone through a revolution, but when the Donbas wanted to split from the Ukrainians because they hated Russians who had lived in the Donbas and Crimea for hundreds of years. The media never looked at the facts or the truth and has constantly promoted World War III.

May 2 2014 Odessa Trade Unions House

The very next month, in May 2014, the Ukrainians began to attack Russians on the street, beating them and killing them. They wanted all Russians dead, and the Western Press turned a blind eye.  The hatred in Ukraine of non-Ukrainians goes back to the ethnic cleansing they engaged in when they were Nazis. They hate Russians, along with all other minorities they hate and do not trust. Make no mistake about it: if Russia loses, the Ukrainians will massacre all Russians in the Donbas territory, and the Western Press will never report anything. The West ignores the fact that the Ukrainians carried out a massacre of ethnic Russians who lived in Odessa as soon as their 2014 Revolution, and that is what started this entire civil war that the Western Press will not address.

Odessa Massacre May 2014

The 2014 Odessa Massacre of Russian-speaking civilians where killed by the Ukrainians on the streets. When the civilians fled for safety into the Trade Union Building, the nationalist Ukrainians burned them alive. That was the turning point. It revealed that the Donbas had to separate, for the Ukrainian hatred of Russians was out to annihilate every last one of them – not their submission to Kiev. Victoria Nuland told them to call it an anti-terrorist action because they sought a democratic solution to vote for their freedom.

This 2014 Odessa Massacre is ignored by the Western Press because they are too busy promoting World War III. For the first time in history, an organized massacre of civilians was carried out and even filmed by numerous people. The West was silent and cheered the deaths of Russian civilians. This has been documented in extraordinary detail, and the Ukrainians did not even fear any negative consequences in world opinion.

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