The West Creating Enemies Produces Allies For Russia


from Sputnik News:

On Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited Vietnam, where the two countries pledged greater military cooperation and launched a center for nuclear technology. The visit came immediately after Putin visited North Korea for the first time in decades and just days after a nuclear-capable Russian flotilla visited Cuba and Venezuela.


The United States’ policy of international bullying has created a lot of enemies for itself, and in the process, a lot of potential friends for Russia. The most obvious example of this is the relationship between China and Russia. The US has acted aggressively towards both of them, strengthening the friendship and cooperation between the two countries in the process.
In Korea, more than 70 years of aggressive sanctions, blockades and saber-rattling by the West meant that right when Russia could use another ally, there was a militarized nuclear power in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) willing and waiting to stand by Russia against the West. Earlier this week, the two countries signed a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership that security and international relations expert Mark Sleboda described as a “military alliance.”
On Wednesday, Putin visited Vietnam where, despite somewhat warm relations with the West in recent decades, wounds from the Vietnam War have not healed completely. In an official statement, Vietnam thanked Russia for supporting their struggle for independence against the West.

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