Big Money Moonbats Back Blotting Out Sun


from Moonbattery:

Leftists want us to use solar panels instead of more efficient means of generating electricity so as to please the climate. For the same insane reason, they also want to blot out the sun:

Wealthy philanthropists with ties to Wall Street and Silicon Valley are unbowed by a botched climate experiment to limit the amount of sunlight hitting the earth, vowing to continue bankrolling future solar geoengineering tests…

A popular definition of “insanity” is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” An even better definition would be “anything that smells like moonbattery.”


The grotesque horrors of “gender-affirming care” show us what attempts to bring biology into line with leftist ideology can do to people’s bodies. Next, they want to make planet Earth itself moonbattery-compliant.

[T]wo high-profile experiments were shutdown following public backlash, pointing to the challenges of conducting controversial research that could result in weather disruptions or other unintended consequences.

Yet big money moonbats continue to support Dr. Evil schemes to blot out the sun. Those involved have included the odious Pritzker clan through the scary-eyed moonbat Rachel Pritzker and her Pritzker Innovation Fund, as well as the still more sinister Bill Gates.

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