‘There will be a reckoning’: Hospital sex scandal reaching ‘point of crisis’


from WND:

‘The gender-affirming care business has always had an aura of madness around it’

A state investigation now has been launched into allegations, from a whistleblower, that Texas Children’s Hospital has committed Medicaid fraud in its “sex-change” program for children, according to investigative reporter Christopher Rufo.

He posted a report online pointing out his earlier investigative documentation in which that whistleblower made allegations against doctors in the transgender program there.

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“Now, the State of Texas has taken action,” he reported. “I have confirmed with a spokesman for Attorney General Ken Paxton that the alleged Medicaid fraud is ‘currently being investigated by the Texas Attorney General.'”

Rufo pointed out there are two avenues for an investigation, civil and criminal.

“If the state pursues a civil case against Texas Children’s, the hospital could lose a significant amount of funding and, in the maximal outcome, even lose access to the state Medicaid program. If the state decides to pursue criminal charges, the doctors involved could face significant fines and up to 10 years in prison,” he noted.

He explained that the “scandal” of what promoters call transgender “health care” “is finally reaching the point of crisis.”

“There will be a reckoning—and Texas might lead the way.”

Revolver News noted that Rufo’s original report found that Vanessa Sivadge, a registered nurse at the hospital, charged that doctors there are charging Medicaid for transgender procedures, even though that is not allowed.

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